
21 May, 2014

Blue Monarch

The New Era Blue Monarch. 2014.
15" x 11"
Casey Klahn

20 May, 2014

Was? Where? What? Is?

Was This Where? 2014
13.75" x 11"
Casey Klahn

I am asking questions visually. Was this where you were? Is it new? Is the scenery changing?

Here is Bob Dylan, asking questions musically:

18 May, 2014

Wolf Kahn Obligations

Bravo, Mr. Kahn. I couldn't agree with you more about having a sense of obligation to our culture. Our better angels thank you.

17 May, 2014

Rocks and Rivers

Climber's River, 2014
9" x 12"
Casey Klahn

It's fun to render rocks. This boulders and river scene is reminiscent of my rock climbing days and visits to Icicle Creek, in Washington. Maybe I'll get there this summer and do some more scenes.

09 May, 2014

Florence with Vianna Szabo

Vianna Szabo

Is Italy in your very near future? I want to bring Vianna's incredible workshop to your attention. It is at the end of May and is your opportunity to paint the figure in Florence. The hosts are native to the Florence region, and plan exciting art events to coincide with this 9-day figure/portrait workshop. 

When you get back, tell me how everything goes. I plan to teach in the same venue in the next year or two!

08 May, 2014


Shades Grand River, Canada
14.5" x 18.5."
Casey Klahn

Thanks to Liz Haywood-Sullivan and the IAPS organization for exhibiting this pastel in Boston, May 10-June 21, 2014.  Liz writes the following:

"Please Come to Boston in the Springtime" - Dave Loggins.

If you do be sure to see the 24th IAPS Juried Exhibition at Vose Galleries. The exhibition runs from May 10 through June 21. Vose Galleries has devoted all 5 floors to pastel! The two lower floors display over 30 antique pastels in a show called "Crystals of Pigment: the Power of Pastel, and the top three floors exhibit the 76 paintings from around the world that make up the IAPS exhibition. This is a must see show!

Vose Gallery

Thanks also to Claudia Seymour and Margaret Dyer, jurists.