
Master Artists

Leonardo da Vinci

File:Firma de Leonardo Da VInci.svg

Tags at The Colorist

The Drawings
Leonardo da Vinci's Life
Wikipedia (recommended)

"Five centuries have passed, yet we still view Leonardo with awe."  Liana Bortolon.

Wolf Kahn
Born 1927
Screencap Wolf Kahn website.

Tags at The Colorist

Jackson Pollock

The Jackson Pollock Researcher
Tags at The Colorist for Jackson Pollock
Pollock at Wikipedia

Edgar Degas

Tags at The Colorist for Degas.
Tags at Pastel for Degas.
Edgar Degas Wikipedia.
More to come.

Henri Matisse 

Tags at The Colorist for Matisse.
Matisse: Life and Painting.
Matisse at Wikipedia.
Museum Matisse in Nice, France.
Woman with a Hat.
The Conversation, 1938.
Matisse's Pajamas.

More coming soon.