
26 January, 2011

Picasso Biography Videos

This series of biographical videos on Picasso is very informative.  For some reason my mind works better with the chronological revelation of what happened, versus the all-at-once story that you get when you read a one page bio.

Now, I am beginning to get a handle on what Picasso did.  The link to the first vid of nine is here.


  1. Thanks, Casey, for the link. I watched the first "installment" and will make time to watch the others too. I got to see that fantastic Picasso exhibit in Seattle with KVan and another friend. It was ammmmazzzing. I Love Picasso!

  2. Thanks for posting this link. I'll take a look. His work has always fascinated me.

  3. Thank you for the link.
    I plan to look the series with tea and chocolate cookies.
    I like how Picasso is referred to in "The Gift of Asher Lev' by Chaim Potok.

  4. Okay, Paula, how is Picasso referred to in Potok's work? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I am sorry I missed the SAM exhibit, Celeste. So close, and yet so far.

    I am less enthusiastic @ PP, Kathy, but now I feel that I have some handle on who/what the buzz is about. Also, I saw a credible critique of the eyes in his paintings. Maybe I can sound smart at cocktail parties, now. Har.

    Thanks for commenting, Jean.

  5. In Chapter 3 of 'Asher Lev' (by Chaim Potok, the famous Ladover Hasidic painter Asher Lev visits Paris for the Picasso Museum.
    This chapter is full of 'The Spaniard'.
    Chaim Potok let another artist tell Asher Lev that he '(Max Lobe) one told me that it took him days to recover from a museum encounter with the Spaniard: he felt bereft of talent, an obsequious courtier, inadequate, drained. I (Asher Lev), on the other hand, always felt myself soaring, charged with his (Picasso's)malevolent energy. I could ride his demoniacal imagination to the brightest and hottest of stars'(end of quote).

    The book goes on with referring to Picasso.
    How does Picasso make you feel?
    I am like 'Max' quite intimidated by so much talent and originality.

  6. I don't know which one I fall into, Paula. But, it is a great question that I will be pondering.

    One response I get to PP is how much I love Matisse. Near the end of the video series, I am challenged by Hockney saying that Pollock was touted as being the first real break from Picasso in the 20th C. Then Hockney remarks, "But, not really."

    Wonderful comments, Paula. Thank you so much.


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