
11 February, 2011

Studio Mash

This is a photo journal of the week's studio events.  More happened, but those paintings already went in the flat files. 

 Flat Files and Studio Library

 Degas Copy on the Easel; New Drywall

 Deer Heaven Sketch

 Bull Pine, Informal Photo

Ballerina, Unresolved


  1. What a productive and versatile painting week you had, Casey - go you!

    The Degas ballerina looks so enticing there on your easel - what beautiful colors.

  2. Thanks, Sonya. I don't know if I'll resolve this ballerina, or use it as a basis for a new effort. Time will tell.

  3. The pastels are as admirable as always, but I would also like to compliment you for that fine drywall!

  4. Thanks, Sam. It makes the man cave a little less cavey.

  5. Wonderful week! I love bull pine. And the Degas looks like Degas.

  6. The Bull Pine is particularly striking with those bands of background color

  7. Thank you much, Dan. "like Degas" is high praise.

    Hi, Randall. I am unhappy with the photo - for instance the sky is a light orange in reality. But, sometimes we run to press early. Thanks for looking.

  8. If this is similar to every week in the Klahn man-cave then you must have a million masterpieces in the flat file. I especially like Bull Pine, as well.


  9. Ha ha. Thanks Don - I appreciate your comments. I guess there are 44 works in the flat files to-be-framed, and now I await the visit of a mad man who wields an ax. He looks a lot like Jack Nicholson, and visits my studio to destroy the art-doggerel among my paintings.

    Meanwhile, on the other extreme, I am taking selected failures and painting over them with the blunt ax of generalization. I take as many particulars away as the paper will allow, and try to see if there is a work there.

    One ax man in, one ax man out.

  10. Copying the masters is something I always tell myself is a great exercise and then I don't do it.

  11. It does take some time and concentration, and then one isn't expecting to sell them. But, if you love Degas, or whatever master you choose, it is a delight.


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