
07 February, 2011

The Wall

A New Section of Drywall

The Wall.

Here is a short update on my studio activities.  Last week was spent less on making art, and more on remodeling the west wall of my main studio space.  When I first occupied my studio, I replaced the floor boards and added vinyl linoleum.  Out went the green shag carpet.  But, I decided that the 1970's era wood paneling was okay for the time being, since it had a neutral color, at least. 

Adding one wall of drywall has been on my to-do list since then.  Since people are threatening to visit my studio in the near future, I made the effort to "git er done."  Of course, I choose the week I caught the flu, with body aches, to hang and paint drywall.  Live and learn.

At the same time as this minor remodel, I took an inventory of my work to be framed.  Right now I have about 41 pastels that I may frame.  But, if I know me, there will be some brutal culling before they make it to the framing stage.  On the other hand, I also rescued a couple of almost thrown out pieces. 

Wildlife Run By.

One of these days, I am going to post about the wildlife that roam past my studio in the country.  Last week I saw a wolf.  I have twice before thought that I'd seen wolves, but this time I had the binoculars and there was no mistaking it.  

See a wildlife painting that I did at my blog Pastel.


  1. 41? looks like you're gonna need some more wall space.

  2. Isn't it nice to see that crisp drywalled section Casey? The thing about drywall is it is hard. If this were my studio this is when I would put up Homasote or sound board because it is softer and I can pin into it. I have put up Homasote in every studio I've had over the decades and it is awesome -especially when doing large commissioned pastels like the ones I'm working on currently. I cover a section with plastic sheeting and work directly on the wall by taping/pinning substrates. But you know me, I'm a maniac!

  3. I laughed and laughed when I read your comment, William. Hopefully, I will sell some. But, it is more than last year. I expect to ax a third of them, though. And, that's after axing many others.

    Hi, Vicky! Was it you who told me about Homasote before? I had some in the upstairs of the house when we moved in, and I tore it out.

    I actually have been taping and tacking unfinished works all over, and am in the process of trying to clear all of that out.

  4. I'll bet the white wall encouraged more bright light into the room! More ahead? (Looks like we have the same big studio easel!)

  5. Hi, Kvan. Luckily, the snow is down to only a small patch outside, and when it's overcast I can have my north side shades up. I feel like Dracula, avoiding the sunlight. The white wall is away from my easel, too, so it doesn't get too much light.

    That is my M10 Mabef, which converts to a table. I also have, I think it's called the M2, with the crank. Someday. you'll have to visit the studio. I remember yours is so beautiful, but mine is "just the facts" and very utilitarian.

  6. Well I'll be there before too long! I have a work (yes, day job but it's interesting) trip to Spokane soon and when that's scheduled I'll send you a message.

  7. You saw a wolf?! How cool!!!!!!!
    Now that you're recovered from the flu, you can come and remodel my studio next. Please.

  8. Awesome! Lisa's coming!

    How cool is a wolf sighting, Jala? Especially since we *don't have any* here.

    Sorry I don't contract out. I am saving my energy for my complete new addition (in my dream studio).


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