
12 March, 2011


Erratic Boulder
6.25" x 8.5"
Pastel & Charcoal
Casey Klahn 

We had snow a couple times this week. Maybe when spring gets here, I'll think about doing some more of these boulder scenes.

Another note.

I grew up around the Pacific beaches. I recall, as a kid, my uncle driving onto the bridge in his pick-up truck and the span had been washed away by a tidal wave (old term).  He broke his arm, and us youngsters got a kick out of seeing that old bridge down in the water like that.  I also felt a 6.5 earthquake, and that is the extent of my experiences with natural disasters, since I completely missed any volcanic fallout when that big one went off in 1980. 

Also, I have been to Japan, which is a beautiful and serene country. Not unlike the boulder in this painting, solid and solitary in her beauty.  

We are watching Internet news and videos of the unimaginable situation across the ocean in Japan. My prayers and thoughts go out to the many who are affected by this natural disaster.


  1. Really like this one Casey. Mostly is seems rocks and boulders get represented in a way that misses the mark
    but this has gotten to the truth of it in my opinion.

    I was there for the Loma Prieta quake in 89
    and a couple of days of the after shocks for the 94 Northridge quake but they were not on the same magnitude of the recent events in Japan and I hope not to experience that kind of quake in my life time. I hope no one else has to either!

  2. Thanks on the artwork, John. Weight and mass, huh?

    Yes, the quake and tidal waves are beyond my comprehension, although I have a little experience with them. Orders of magnitude far greater than we know.

  3. i like this one too Casey!

    my thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Japan and everywhere these tsunamis are hitting. It is so sad:)

    I have never experienced an earthquake, only tornados.

  4. Yes, the victims of this tsunami are in my thoughts as well. A terrible, terrible event.
    Your painting is captivating. I can't stop looking at it. There's a wonderful relationship between the foreground, boulder, and background that makes my eye zig-zag through it and come back again. Texturally, this work is very rich and once again you've managed to masterfully design with color. Kudos!

  5. Casey, when I saw the thumbnail image of your painting I thought it was a person in white, bent down on the ground as if in prayer. Then I opened it up and read your thoughts about Japan. I've been praying too. I do like the boulder very much.

  6. Great painting, Casey - color and design. And there is a bit of a symbolic parallel between the boulder erratic and tsunami: both show the incredible power of water to relocate things in their path...just under radically different time frames.

    I missed the Loma Prieta by a year, and managed to avoid any other natural disasters (save for the severe drought) for the 7 yrs. I lived in SF. Here, the main disasters (fire) would be via the hand of man.

    My thoughts are with the Japanese people following this disaster of such magnitude, and keeping my fingers crossed that the damaged reactors don't have a complete meltdown and add to the catastrophe.

  7. like

    do they really rear up like that, strange.

    delicate touch of pastel here casey :-)

  8. The pink section in the upper right hand corner is absolutely essential and gorgeous. I was in the Nesqualie Earthquake in Seattle. I think that was 6.5. I can't even imagine a 9.8. It is such a sad thing and my thoughts are with the people of Japan too!

  9. "Boulder" is simple and strong and I love looking at it. Neutral harmonies and strong shapes make for a compelling painting.

    I was a youngster in the '71 Sylmar earthquake (6.6). Schools were closed. We were evacuated because of gas leaks/breaks and contaminated water. From a child's perspective, it was an adventure.

    In 1994, I could not get in contact with my father after the 6.7 Northridge earthquake. Fear and worry escalated until we discovered that his was not the apartment building that collapsed, but the one next door. Still condemned. But Dad was safe.

    My heart goes out to all of those who do not have the assurance that their loved ones are alive and safe. And for those who suffer loss, words are never enough ...

  10. Thanks to everyone for the compliments on Boulder.

    Much to say and think about Japan, but I'll just stay silent and keep praying for all the people there.


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