
31 March, 2011

How Do You Like My Hat?

La femme au chapeau
o/c, 79.4 x 59.7 cm
Henri Matisse

In the next few days I'll be posting about my trip to the SFMOMA this week.  Matisse, Rothko and Joan Mitchell were the standouts.

Audio Commentary.


  1. Or: "Can You Believe It? She's Wearing The Same Hat?"

  2. Poor Amelie. She was forced to wear that hat, you know.

  3. I'll look forward to reading about your trip to SFMOMA when I come back from my trip to the remote canyons of southern UT...but I shall be viewing art as well.

    I cannot imagine wearing such a hat as that. Probably explains her rather pinched expression ;).

  4. She must have loved him dearly. She'll be wearing this hat forever. (I have a deep love of Matisse's work, but I can't help thinking, at this moment, of the Bob Dylan line, "Inside the museums, infinity goes up on trial.")

  5. I would have gladly worn that hat just to be able to sit in the presence of Matisse when he created...


  6. Sharon:
    Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while.

    It is quite a thing - wearing that hat for infinity. Right now, it has only been 106 years.

    I have to say that I never have focused on the hat in that image - maybe the first time I saw it in a book, but not since.

  7. Don, it was a moment in time for me to stand in front of some Matisse works (3) and to look at his brushstrokes. Brilliant stuff, and my favorites in the museum, as you might expect.

  8. Ha - good thoughts, Sonya. I was too involved in the formal parts of her expression, esp. the eyes.

    Take care in Utah!

  9. Casey:
    Well, now we know why "Mona Lisa must of had the highway blues"...can you imagine having to sit and smile for infinity? (And I'm musing on the fact that Amelie will be sitting pretty on that wall- or a similar one - forever, while Bob Dylan songs on YouTube usually don't last a week.)

    No, I have never focused on that hat before either - it was always the colors around her face and her expression, for me.

  10. I'll be writing some thoughts on the hat image, and a couple of others in a few days. I am hosting guests for several days, so stay tuned, art fans.

    Find out which artist's works looked ostentatious, which looked effortless, and which ones were good for a few laughs.

  11. I'll be looking forward to your report from the front lines!

  12. Such an interesting combination of strong colors with pastels...

  13. Glad you're in, Eric and Celeste.


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