
09 April, 2011

Color Understory

Tangled Color
7.4" x 12"
Pastel & Charcoal
Casey Klahn

I found this image in my files, which has not been posted in this format before.  This painting hangs next to my desk in the house.

Next time:  More Matisse at the SFMOMA.  Previous posts on SFMOMA herehere and here.


  1. Oh, VERY cool, Casey!

    That little spot of violet is just sweet. You really do need to post more of your work here. I's your blog and my opinion. Just sayin'.

    Enjoyed the intro to the SFMOMA post. Will pull up a comfy chair and wait for more.

  2. I'm enjoying your museum posts too, Casey. Modern art is somewhat new to me so I'm just being a quiet sponge and soaking it all up. I really like your Tangled Colors! What surface(support)do you paint on and do you prefer a toned surface or a white one? I like the way some of your strokes lay on the surface - as if you aren't fighting to cover up whatever is behind them.

  3. Glad you brought the comfy chair for my long posts on SFMOMA. They may be long, but I have words to say.

    I think it's a good thing if my readers want more pictures. Soon I will post some more, Sonya.

  4. Hi, Donna! I use Sennelier dark brown La Carte for most works. Those inclusive types of marks might be the charcoal left raw.

    I did do a painting yesterday on white laid paper.

  5. Thanks Casey. The brown paper explains how you get that earthy look behind your colors! It sure does tie everything together.

  6. Love the contrast between the vigorous dark 'tree' shapes and the gentle colours in the lower section.

  7. wow-so visceral and immediate-gorgeous saturated darks-and wee patterns of lighter colour make for dynamic/interesting push/pull

  8. Thank you Donna, Jala, Jan and Carol.

  9. This is repeated? Perhaps it's a recurring dream. I seem to remember turning this from side to side in order to see more, something I like to irreverently do with paintings which have enough character and color; I especially like to do this with Hofmanns. I still really like this "Tangle" with the yellow in the top right corner.

    Thanks for all your insightful reporting from SFMOMA. I can't wait to read your thoughts on "The Conversation".

  10. Hi, Sam! I posted this last year in June,

    I sometimes post an image taken with my point and shoot camera, while I'm waiting for Lorie to take the p"pro" shot with the D80. Then, I forget to re-post the good one.

    Your comments are so nice - thank you for reading my blog, Sam. I can't wait to write about The Conversation. I can't remember studying it before, but it is a gem shining brightly in a bag of gems.

  11. That would be one inspiring piece of art to have by one's desk. The colors and the energy in the strokes are exciting. Thanks for reposting this. I missed it last year.



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