
07 November, 2011

Demonstration in Oakland, CA

Here is a photo report on last weekend's See Differently workshop.  I, personally, had a great time and there was growth for all in one form or another. I tried to treat each artist individually, and was challenged by the high experience level of my wonderful students.

My workshops are meant to provide breakthrough growth opportunities, and that means hard work.  You will paint hard, think hard and maybe learn to understand your own art a little better as a result of this challenging two day class.  

Host Jon Larson asked me to throw a workshop in the Bay Area.  It took me three years to finally do it.

My second demo.  Re-purposing a "failed" artwork.

Kris, Robin and Linda at show and tell.  Linda Schweitzer has an art blog linked at the bottom of this post.

Robin changed one little thing at the end and was energized by the results.  Responsive painting  can be a valuable technique.

Kris graced us with this bell pepper as a result of a Notan type exercise.  Bravo, Kris!

Set up to demonstrate in Oakland - I just put that there to see what Google does with it.

Slipper was disinterested in the art, but happy nonetheless.

Back home in cold Washington State - happy to complete a  great workshop.


  1. If you ever head towards Florida-way I'll be in the front row. I like your attitudinal approach.

  2. Looks like people really got a lot out of the workshop! I imagine that each workshop provides opportunities for you to develop your ways of articulating your ideas. Very exciting opportunities for you, Casey!

  3. Okay, Cindy - I'll keep you in mind! Or, if you want, we can collaborate and you can find 4 or 5 friends, and I can advertise and we'll put on my workshop where you are.

    That's what Katherine van Schoonhoven did - she hosted us at her beautiful studio near Portland. Kvan, it is my opportunity to learn, that's for sure. It was a particular challenge to fly my kit to Oakland, rather than take the whole studio with me, as I did for your event.

  4. I like your second demo--making something out of a failed drawing. I believe there are no failed drawings. I have noticed in my own work that there's always something to expound on to save the day--even if it's just cropping differently. Like I said, too bad your workshops aren't on this side of the country. This looks like it was a good one.

  5. Thanks for the comments, Linda. You know, you make a subtle appearance at these workshops - I remember you wrote at Katherine's blog about the moral quality of Munch's scream, and at that time I posted about that - with the image of The Scream. Your name is in the post, and I share a printout of that.

  6. This looks , fun, involving and valuable.

  7. Thanks for looking in, Carole. I had fun.

  8. Methought it was funny
    That Slipper the bunny
    Was more interested in you
    Than in red, yellow, or blue

  9. Johnnny-I took that pic for my daughter who loves anything cute.


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