
07 December, 2011

The Art of the Landscape

Screenshot of TAOTL blog by Katherine Tyrrell

It is lovely to get one's artwork shown at various websites outside of the blog.  Here is my pastel, Remnant Snow, at Katherine Tyrrell's The Art of the Landscape.  Recently, she gave exposure to various artist bloggers who have done autumn images, and now is making a showcase for winter images.  I rarely do snow scenes, so felt pleased to submit Remnant Snow.

Katherine's well-known blog is Making a Mark.

We now inhabit a cyberspace where your artist blog is not the only way to get your artwork out.  There is a constellation of online venues, and it pays, I think, to spread your cyber bits around.  My advice is to study and discern which internet venues will provide the most appealing space for your art.

Remnant Snow also appears on Facebook, here, and on Tumblr.


  1. very cool Casey! i love this painting so much! You really are one talented and hard working artist! I do admire your work. i think your career is taking off. If you aren't already a signature member of the PSA, you should be. Also, I haven't been to the post office today but will hopefully be able to get there tomorrow and I'm hoping there will be a nice package for me:) I'm so excited! I now have a house to hang such beautiful work in! YAY!


  2. Hi, Sara! The box has gone out, and I hope they arrive well. So happy about your new house, and very glad to be a small part of making it a home!


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