
28 December, 2011

Charcoal and White Chalk

WIP - Facing Right
@14' x 15" 
Charcoal & White Chalk on Drawing Paper
Casey Klahn

For a hobby, I am re-learning the figure and the head from various sources, such as instructional books and You Tube videos.  Before I took up the landscape, this was all I did on an amateur basis.  It is crazy how much I have lost over time, and it makes the road back a little bumpy. But, fun.


  1. This is lovely. Looks like not too bumpy of a road back.

  2. Thanks for looking, Lisa. I finished it tonight, but can't be sure I'll post it tomorrow, but I will do so soon.

  3. Love this! Figure drawing and portraits and a big challenge, one that you are obviously up to!

  4. well, this is ammmaazzing. I'll be watching for more--you have a phenomenal and sensitive touch

  5. Thanks, Celeste. Actually, I don't consider rendering all that big a deal, but the statement is the thing. I am working on both parts.

    I have a number of copying tools, but almost always do these freehand, because that's where the learning is. Now, on to live models.

  6. really beautiful Casey. I think every now and again getting back into figure drawing is so important.

  7. Thank you, Corrine. It does keep me honest - I mean I have to put the mark accurately, and there is analogy there to all aspects of art, huh?

  8. I don't know what you've lost - but it's not evident here - this is beautiful! I love the eyes, the shape of the face, the suggestion of form. All of it.

  9. This looks eerily much like a girl I dated back in college. Actually, I didn't date her but certainly wanted to. She said she was too busy being a model over in the art building.

  10. The eyes say it all! Life drawing is like riding a bike: Just get on and it all comes back. From this drawing, it looks like you haven't missed a beat.

  11. Thanks, Linda. I did finish her, and will post soon.


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