
20 March, 2012

Ground Blizzards Are Always Nice To Come Home To

My Weather.  Hello.

Saturday evening I was enjoying the sun, taking a beautiful drive in a top-down convertible and finding wonder in the Wolf Kahn views of the elm and ash forests in New Jersey.  Today, I woke up to a ground blizzard!

You will get a full report, and perhaps some video, of my workshops taught last week in Morristown as soon as possible.  Thanks for staying tuned.


  1. Wonderful painting and a love snow photo!

  2. Hi Casey, Stunning pastel! Love your weather too; we had snow at the beach...ok just a flake or two. Not as pretty as yours! I enjoy looking through your work.

  3. What a lovely painting. The lonely little dark building.

  4. I thought about you today. I was out butchering a pastel painting plein air.Then You left a comment, a good one that might help me straighten things out, so I came to visit. How come you are having winter while Michigan is having summer? Lovely painting. No angst in sight on that rural scene. I could have used your skill today.

  5. Thanks, Helen.

    Hi, Peggy! I'd say snow at OS is a keeper. Wonderful to think about it. I contacted the art league there @ teaching a workshop, but no response back. I'll look for that and see if you have any pull there to get some kind of response.

    Hi, Jala! Others caught the lonely in this, too. Good observation. I was isolated that day, skiing out to get the van at the roadhead.

    Hi, Linda. Thanks for the faithful reading. I can butcher my own PA pieces just fine. When I get a good one, it is a cause for celebration for me! I met Linda Richichi and learnt some little PA tricks. Maybe I'll get out when the weather quits blowing snow sideways, as it is doing right now!!!

  6. looking forward to the the painting in this post. Real snow, that is not just part of a 2 dimensional painting....really bugs me! lol ....not a big fan haha

  7. New snow today, too, Celeste. Whaaaah hoooo!


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