
26 May, 2012

Memorial Day

It was a tremendous honor to participate in creating this memorial at Ft Logan Cemetery, Denver. This is dedicated to the men of the Tenth Mountain Division (including my dad) who fought in WW II. I was privileged to render the climber and the mountains seen in the granite and the marble faces of the stone. Presented in 2009, it is a place to honor our fathers who had the task of seizing one island in the Aleutian chain, and countless mountain redoubts in north Italy. My dad remembered that the German bunkers were also cast into granite mountains; the major ones had walls 200 feet thick!

Photo: Ken Elliott.


  1. A wonderful memorial Casey. It must have been such a honor for you to create and a touching moment when it was installed.

  2. Gifts all around--your rendering, the committee's acceptance of it, and the efforts, sacfifices and accomplishments of our service personnel.

  3. Linda - it is a lifetime memory for me. Very humbling.

    Gregory: Your dad was a hero, and you know the feelings that go with these memories. They never asked for anything.

    Sarah, thanks for reading and commenting. Many 10th fellows were in Portland.

  4. hi casey: as usual, most excellent work. really like it. my mother died on memorial day 1994. thanks, johnnny

    remember the ones you loved
    remember the ones that loved you
    as they look down from above
    up there in the sky blue

  5. Thank You Casey
    Hope to visit the cemetery in Fort Logan and see this tribute in person - someday.
    We met on Return to Italy 2006.
    Best regards
    Karen Woodard
    Aspen, Colorado

  6. What an honor to have your artwork included in that memorial, Casey! We should all remember that freedom isn't free, especially today. (My sons are US Marines.)

  7. Johnnny, Jean, Karen and Donna: thanks for taking the time to comment. Karen, I remember you showed me your father's journal - I very much appreciate your commenting here on blogger.


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