
04 January, 2007

"Sargent, Post!"

No, I did not misspell the Army rank. The post I'm talking about is a link to Katherine Tyrell's (and cyber chums') new project regarding their efforts to channel some of the famous artist, John Singer Sargent's mojo.
I congratulate this group for a really stellar idea. What's more, they are inviting you to participate. The idea is to study JSS, and by the processes of learning, absorbing, and artistic "seeing", one will then produce work based on this learning. Bravo!


  1. Thanks Casey for spearding the word. Might you have a go?

    I've added you into my feed reader although I have to tell you that Bob Dylan is not the great love of my life! "He who must not be bored while I sketch" thinks he's great though!

  2. It's an honor to have you as a reader, Katherine.
    I just finished a month long on-line class from Alyson Stanfield. I'm organized, but tuckered out.
    Thanks for the invite on the JSS project, but I think the timing is just not there.
    I am so fascinated by your idea, though. A participative study. Fabulous!
    JSS's intentional, methodical route to spontaneity isn't for me. I value the quick, gestural way. Love his art, though. He is a master, no doubt.
    I will try to do something like this in the future, though. It's an original idea on your part, and I admire it.
    Right now, I am beginning a Realist Italian Landscapes project. I toured there in May-June of last year. My project will pull in pieces of other artists' ideas, but will be an original and unique project. It will require a separate blog/website for me, as it will be subject oriented, unlike my Colorist works.
    I read with enjoyment your Venice sketchbook. I especially liked the piece you did based on the red fabric, taken from your photograph. Bravo!


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