
06 February, 2007

Van Gogh Project - Sketches 1.0

First Sketch, Sunflowers in Snow, 12" x 12"
Charcoal on Sketch Paper
Casey Klahn

Happily, a new snow had freshened up the ground just in time for this sketch of winter sunflowers. True to form, the rain started to spit on me while I was drawing it. Here it is in unimproved format, loaded from the scanner bed.


  1. Great sketch Casey! I'm sorry if I haven't been around as much. I have been working on a project. :) Just wanted to let you know that I stopped by!

  2. This is a beautiful, spontanious drawing.

  3. What a beautiful concept, Sunflowers in the Snow - and you've done it proud. Brave you too, sketching in the snow.

  4. Yes, I like the spontanious nature of this.

  5. MrsSnowy has left a new comment on your post "Van Gogh Sketches":

    You are off to a great start, Casey - but I realise Van Gogh has been a long-term passion for you. Thank you for posting 'Building in Eindhoven', I've been trying to find something like that to draw on for my first VG inspired sketch. Glad you a back, cosy in your studio.

    Posted by MrsSnowy to The Colorist at February 7, 2007 4:08 AM

  6. I appreciate the kind response to this sketch. I like it, too.
    I cut & pasted Robyn's comment that Blogger lost somehow.
    I had an interesting breakthrough while in North Italy last year, Robyn. I was looking for ways to "handle" the other-worldly subject of the Italian landscape, and finally got to view a hanging of several good originals in one place. That was in my hotel in Riva del Garda.
    I observed that the isolation of one building or feature as a focal point seemed to really tame the busy subject matter. I tried it and it worked great.
    The Eindhoven drawing sort of reminds me of that.


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