
09 February, 2007

Van Goh and Xanthopesia

Yellow Photoshops while suffering from Xanthopesia

Can you even see the color yellow? You must have xanthopesia.
(Rolling my eyes, and falling on the floor, laughing. Now kicking. Now crying from belly- laughter)
The most preposterous explanation yet of van Gogh's usage of color. If you don't paint the subject by it's local color (it's color in actual reality), then you must suffer from some malady. No, you are crazy. Yes, that's it.


  1. Call me crazy, but he might just have been broke and wanted to use up a color he had. hahahah

  2. Your direct and practical theory is the least likely to be correct, of course.
    Always prefer the longest and most complex explanation...
    (Ohh, my sides are aching from the irony)

  3. Interesting. I thought he was dirt poor and could only afford the one color.

    I found you via the Fine Line Artist's Van Gogh project, and appreciate your insight into Van Gogh's "genius."

    I'm attempting a vase with 15 sunflowers for the project. It's here:
    if you'd like to see it.

    -Lisa B.


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