
08 April, 2007


The Incredulity of Saint Thomas
Oil on canvas, 107 x 146 cm
(b. 1571, Caravaggio, d. 1610, Porto Ercole)


  1. He's kissing his hand right? Who all is that Casey? BEAUTIFUL Painting!

  2. Jesus is showing the Apostle Thomas his hands and wounded side, which was speared by his Roman executers. With him were the disciples, and we usually think of the noteworthy Peter and John.

  3. Fantastic painting, I never tire of seeing Caravaggio's work.

  4. Ohhh very religious and moving painting. :)

  5. Yes, those Renaissance painters had a good handle on figurative, narrative and spiritual subjects.
    When I see the three that I curated for the easter holiday, I wonder if there is anywhere else to go with realistic and figurative art in the present and in the future. Their works were nearly perfect in accomplishing their goals.
    I think about Harvey Dinnerstein, who is a stunningly good contemporary figure painter. He uses the self-portrait, and urban scenes with contemporary figures as subjects. They match the quality of the Renaissance greats, although I'm not aware of any works he has done that are as complex as these multi-figured compositions.
    What place does spiritual work have in art's present and future? Is it more important, less important or roughly equal to the place of socially and ethnically aware contemporary art?
    My bias: I am more likely to either relegate to a lesser status, or just disregard any current art that is social, or political. The reasons are that I value more the formal qualities of art, including subjects that are self-interested (such as color or abstraction).


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