
27 April, 2007

Mark Harden's Artchive

Mark Harden's Artchive has a page titled Theory and Criticism, which looks to be a fine collection of writings by known critics who expound on known artists and their artwork.

I guess I have been giving this well known site (Google seems to always take me there!) short shrift because I kind of don't like the graphic layout of the art listings there. In all fairness, though, it is a great website and resource for studying and thinking about art.

Here's the link:


  1. Looks wonderful Casey! I will go check it out once I get the chance! Promise! :) Thanks for the info. :)

  2. Hi Casey - I actually originally found this site through one of your posts. I treasure it!

  3. I agree about the layout, drives me bonkers at times, but I also agree worth the visit.

  4. Thanks, all. I wondered if it was just me on the layout issues.

  5. Ditto re format - it always seem to pay off digging around but irritates me at the same time!

  6. We artistes have such high standards for graphics, I reckon.
    I, for one, look forward to better graphic control of these blogs - and no, I am not going back to school to learn HTML, thanks very much.


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