
20 July, 2007

Book Report

The book has arrived via Fed Ex and I was surprised at the quality! See my "book report" at the Endless Sumer Art Fair blog.


  1. OMG what a beautiful cover!! I am sure you are proud! Congratulations!

  2. Appreciated, Terri! It is a nifty cover, huh?
    I just spent half a day re-formatting what I didn't like. I added seven pages, with a bunch of text and a few images more. I am putting off proud until I get a stack of nice books in my booth.
    I am wrangling with their customer service over the spine error on the text. It says "Casey Klahn C". Should be Casey Klahn Colorist, etc." Looks like they don't give any ground if they err.
    Now to crank it out as a paperback. Hope it's not a total re-format...


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