
04 December, 2007

Art Links

It looks as if the evils of linking in a gratuitous fashion are many. It has been termed farming, and some definitions of this can be found here and here. Although placing one's blogroll into your posts seems more targeted and on-topic than the strict definitions of blind link exchanges, I also see that Blogger and Google may cut with a dull knife, if you will.

Because of a complaint about my Art Link Letter, I will discontinue its use. Sorry to those of you who may have felt uncomfortable or feared damage from having been in my link cloud at the ends of my posts.

Content should be the basis of blogging, and especially original content. And someday I'll figure out the technology part of this gizmo called the Internet...

It still remains to be seen if I will start a blog or website of art links. It occurs to me that a need exists, but that there are mysterious pitfalls that accompany the execution aspects of these things.


  1. hmmmm interesting Casey...
    as I didn't see a problem for you re far as I know Google penalises the big fish...and those who buy links and build link farms gratuitously....
    I don't think your art link letter is violating Google's policies....

    as for my 101 list...
    I see that as an index and resource to be used by artists if they choose ...
    I started blogging because I needed to document my journey in art and I see the opportunity to communicate with other artists and non artists as a bonus....
    I really feel that there needs to be more community amongst art bloggers.....
    the nature of being an artist leads to a solitary life in itself.....
    which can be either positive or negative depending on each individual....
    best of luck with your craft list....

  2. Lisa and Kim,
    Thanks for reading my blog. It is a privilege for me to have you here at all.

    Kim, I just don't know how to track artist's blogs on Technorati, since the tags and posts there don't break it down for me. Thanks for doing your list and including me there.

  3. Found you through Lisa's blog, and I do love your work and color sense...

    Would you mind if I were to link to your site? It's one of the few ways I reliably remember to visit others.

  4. Glad to meet you, Lori. I like the way you annotate your links - a unique idea.
    Yes, please do link me, and since I am an official link-monger, think about putting a link in a post. I particularly like it when I can break out to other genres of blogs, such as yours. When I begin a blog roll section for other-than-visual-arts, I will certainly be linking you, too.

  5. I think it was one of those things that was worth a try. Kudos to you for going out on a limb.

  6. Thanks, Cynthia. We live and learn. I will celebrate 1 year of The Colorist in a few days, and this will certainly be one of the remembered elements of blogging for the past year.

    I will say that my page loads and other Statcounter thingies are up markedly, and I am opening some new doors through these new readers. It's a wild ride, this blogging!

    Thanks for reading, Cynthia!


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