
10 January, 2008

Great Man's Passing

"I have moderate abilities but I combine these with a good deal of determination and I rather like to succeed," Sir Edmund Hillary, of Everest (1919 - 2008). R.I.P.

I have had the pleasure of meeting several Everest summiters, by virtue of associations in the Seattle area. Probably over a half dozen, and every one of them I called by first name and enjoyed the conviviality of shared bonds. Three are now deceased.

Not that I will summit Everest, but at least I share Sir Edmund's self creed from the quote above.

Do you have a "Mount Everest" that you intend to conquer?


  1. I read it here first. How sad. The end of an era. I got to interview him once when he started building schools in Napal.

  2. He'll be well remembered for his wonderful philanthropy. I will remember his Kiwi origins, too.

    Truly a brush with greatness for you.

    I spoke with Eric Simonson, whose team found Mallory's body on Everest. I asked him, "How was that? Gross?"
    His reply; "No, it was very cool!"


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