
05 March, 2008

Artists Get Exposure

Just by way of news, here are some exposes of some of our friends in the art blogging community. You will be impressed and won't want to miss either one.

  • Jafabrit - Guest Bio @ PTB Blog.
  • Lloyd - Artist paints world as he remembers it - TV spot in Chicago.
Lloyd's TV spot wouldn't play for me. Perhaps some cunning expert could rip it and put it on You Tube for those of us without the absolute latest player.


  1. Thanks for the links Casey. I hope you are feeling better.

  2. Thanks, too.

    I see the physician tomorrow for my follow up.

  3. wow casey, I really enjoyed Lloyds video interview, what an inspiration and how wonderful for the news interview. I hope it will inspire others :)

    Thankyou for the shout out :)

    Hope you are healing nicely and the pain is not so much an issue.

  4. I'll let you know this PM @ my condition.

    I must have five posts half written right now. I'll have to pull the trigger on one of them.

    Thanks, Corrine.


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