
23 May, 2008

The Jackson Pollock Researcher

Number 31, 1950
at the MoNA
Jackson Pollock

Lavender Mist, 1954
Jackson Pollock

This post will be my selection of Jackson Pollock links.

This blog receives an inordinate amount of traffic from the query: Jackson Pollock. Aside from an entertaining study I did about this key light of the Abstractionists, I have to admit that I haven't got much really meaty or original content about him here at The Colorist. Not, at least, of any academic value.

But, for the good of the cause, I will aggregate some research here about Jackson Pollock. Then, the numerous college students who find my site can get on with their studies. By the way, I have been heartened by the otherwise non-Pollock attention that students have paid to The Colorist. Maybe there is some original content in here after all!

Jackson Pollock Research:

  • New York Times On Topic for Jackson Pollock-Link. Best to read the NYT if you value critics that use words like "inimitability". Otherwise, follow their Jackson Pollock Navigator until you find an article that makes some sense.
  • My dated post on the topic of Jackson Pollock links.
  • Squidoo Lens on Pollock.
  • MoMA Collection of Pollocks. Link. From the NYT list, but I'll put it here as an important collection.
  • The Art News Blog lists these links for Pollock.
  • The Pollock-Krasner House.
  • Pollocksthebollocks is a blog with a base in Abstract Expressionism.
  • The movie about Jackson Pollock has certainly pushed forward his star in the public conscience. My review is found here.
  • There is an interesting video legacy of the drip painter which may do much for his posterity as we go further into this digital age. Hans Namuth and Paul Falkenberg.
  • Jackson Pollock Unauthorized. Looks like bootleg prints, but some good info, too.

You can't get through Pollock without visiting Abstract Expressionism.

  • Here are my posts on the topic.
  • I recommend the Wikipedia post on the topic.
  • This book, Taschen's Abstract Expressionism, by Barbara Hess, is a good pictorial analysis, by artist, of the great American movement.
  • A dated Wordpress blog with some nice AE references.

And the inimitable Clement Greenberg requires some study if you want to cover JP correctly:

Work in progress. Although I know there is already a Squidoo Lens on Pollock, I see room for more definition. My own spin. The opportunities are to illustrate it properly (without stepping on toes) and to lay out the format well. Any ideas?

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