
15 June, 2008

Deciduous Trees Series

Green Maple
May June 08
6.5" x 6"
Casey Klahn

At my blog "Pastel", I have been posting about my series of deciduous trees. See them here and here. The second link includes some of my Five for Friday instructional tips exclusive from my studio. What that means is that I am opening my head, and disgorging thoughts about pastel technique.

My goal is to be roughly 75% - 80% original in these pastel instructional tips. I have received word that a venue may be forming soon which will allow me the opportunity to teach workshops. Put me in the school of those who take teaching as a strict calling, with no small requirement on the preparation side. These Friday tips at Pastel have been a lesson plan builder for me. And now you know the backstory on that.


  1. Glad we've been getting a sneak peek at future workshop instruction through your Friday tips, Casey - I always enjoy them. Good luck with the workshop opportunity - hope it works out for you.

  2. A beautiful pastel. No other medium can really outdo pastel in terms of the intensity of the colors. Well, not when the artist understands the medium so well.

  3. Your pastels look so fresh and vivid! I love your style!


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