
19 December, 2008

Decloned Deconstructs

Nature's Nature

Blogging friend and pastor, William Lehman, has given a lengthy response to my ten theses on a theology of art. Not content with just words, our creative blogger (and William is one of the most creative bloggers I know) curates his post with a link to the art of Andy Goldsworthy, and singer Michael Card gets in a music video. See the post here.


  1. Thanks for the link back Casey. It was fun working through your Theses. I recently left the church I had been Associate pastor at for the last five years, so I guess that makes me a "pastor in transition". Currently I am searching out what God has for me next while waiting on the little one's arrival. Maybe it will be art full-time or ministry full-time, but I hope somehow it is a mixture of the two.

  2. best wishes for your future. I know life will change dramatically for you when the baby arrives.

    Thanks again for reading my theses.

  3. Hey Casey. Just put up the post that the prints are ready to be shipped out. Hope you have a great Christmas!


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