
14 September, 2010

The Tinman Too

Showing in October at the Tinman Gallery in Spokane are mixed media works by Harold Balazs, and at the Tinman Too (next door) I will be exhibiting 15 - 20 pastel landscapes, including images from The River Series and The Prairie Series.

My one man show is to be scheduled in the next year at the Tinman Gallery. Also next year I will be showing in the City of Hoquiam, and at the Sausalito Art Festival.

Harold Balazs.
Northwest MAC, Harold Balazs.


  1. Oh yes. I have a show. Puff puff.

    To be truthful, I have been thin on exhibits, and running hard to catch up. Thanks for the comment and exclamation point.

  2. Hi Casey, I'm curious, where in Hoquiam will you be showing? Hoquiam is just down the street, so to speak, from me. I would love to see your work up close!

  3. Thank you for the interest, Peggy! The plan is to have three venues simultaneously, at the city hall, the library and the retirement home on @ 10th and I streets. Everything I wanted to coordinate with is now revolving around Labor day, and I can't do it that weekend. Date to be announced.

    I am being hosted by the mayor, and by a businesswoman (classmate) in Hoquiam.


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