
25 February, 2012

Denver in May!

Denver Workshop Details:
See Differently. Authenticity & Your Art,
by Casey Klahn.
Location: Studio of Joan Fullerton, 4976 Carefree Trail, Parker, CO 80134
Date: May 19th & 20th  
Cost: $240
Class Size: 12

Contact me by e-mail

This workshop has generated much interest.  There are spaces available, but they will fill up soon.


  1. I too am wondering if all of us bloggers can somehow revolt against the horrible word verif.s going on nowadays. I can hardly read them and now they have doubled the amount of work required to leave a comment.
    Hey, I was having issues with that same damn spammer. I finally discovered the blogger option to "report spam." At least now finally Kevin's spam is going directly into my blogger spam folder and I never have to see it anymore, yay.
    Casey, you need to still come do a workshop in Boulder in the future, okay? if you do, Sam and I will definitely sign up. Boulder and Denver area are two totally separate worlds. Boulderites pretty much only go to Denver for the airport.

  2. Hi, Jala! Good job commenting on this post/ you covered several posts at once, but filled the one with no comments. It is a talent, this blogging stuff.

    That is very interesting that you have the same spammer, too. It fills in a blank. I do use the spam option, but it still gets through on occasion.

    OK. Boulder it is. The demand is such, now, that I no longer have to beg for students - they are signing up for Denver quickly. I'll have to dream up the date/ maybe next spring, but we'll see. (ulterior motive: ice climbing)


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