
05 November, 2014

This'll Be Fun!

New York City.

I'll be in New York to see the Matisse Cut-Outs exhibit at the MoMA in a little over a week. I recently saw about 30 works by Henri Matisse in Russia. I'm still blogging about that trip, but the posts to date are here:

I Ascended Alone.

Vermillion Ideas.  

The Cut-Outs began at the Tate, in London. Here is the support for this super-exhibition:

Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs at Tate Modern.

Blue Certainty.

Matisse: Video Support.

Please return here for my reports on this sure-to-be-incredible trip!


  1. Saw them years ago - they are indeed impressive! Enjoy - have a great time in NYC!

  2. Next year I'll be in the DC area in Sept., Boston in August and SC in the spring. Italy in October.


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