
13 May, 2011

Static Fling - A Blogger Outage

Is Blogger the sixth most popular internet sight?  That was a rumor I heard while searching the news about Blogger's over 20 hour hiccup that began yesterday and ran through today. Data corruption was the reason that Blogger reports led to its take down of all posts since Wednesday, May 11th., 2011.  At first, access was read-only, and users weren't able to log in to their blogs.  As I write this post, Blogger has returned my posts since Wednesday. Who posted corrupt code at Blogger?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Personally, I did notice some bad behavior by my blog leading up to the outage.  Blogger posted my comments, incorrectly, as CaseyBooks, and adding a video on my sidebar that belonged in the posts.  

The Colorist has been posting daily since May 3rd., and so the impact on my plans has been noticeable.  I want the posts to show an uninterrupted daily listing.  It is a goal I keep once a year, and the rest of the year I like to post once, twice or three times a week.

The Colorist is an artist's blog newsletter and forum on fine art, authored by Casey Klahn.


  1. Correction: post from the 11th still missing. It featured Waning Light image.

  2. It ain't over 'til it's over,
    so don't count your chickens,
    but the sun will come out tomorrow.
    If I can think of any other useful cliches, I'll spare you.

    Static fling. Har har.

  3. Yeah, blogger has been very naughty lately. The error I kept getting a few days before was that the final photo each time showed up all pixellated. Weird.

  4. Hello Casey, it seems that Blogger has re-checked the 'Lost & Found' and is returning all posts made on May 11th to their rightful owners. Good Luck.

  5. Jala - your experience is interesting. I wonder what happened to others - anyone want to report?

    Sharon - I guess they went by day, rather than by blog. My 12th post has been up for some time.

    Sam - look out world, we're baaaack.

  6. Yes, I think that was it. My May 11th post returned by 5PM here. It showed up as posted May 11th - and then somewhere in the last few hours it switched the date to May 13th. So the weirdness continues. Also 'comments' are missing.

  7. Hi Casey, glad blogger is back in working order! I don't comment often, but I follow your posts regularly, find your pastel drawings incredibly inspiring, and enjoyed your Matisse posts.

  8. Hi, Sharon. I agree that weirdness continues. I'm still looking for the 11th, myself. Too bad @ the comments being gone. Grr.

  9. Robin, I happy you read here. I hope to see the Matisse exhibit in SF again in September.

  10. Just bizarre. My May 11 post returned with a different title and only the first photo and caption - no text.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed that Blogger not experience any more vapor locks like that again.

    wv: in "water under the bridge", perhaps?

  11. yeah Casey, I blog every day too. It is now a habit. When I experienced the outage I thought..hey, maybe this would be cool if my blog collapsed..then I wouldn't blog everyday. It's sometimes a pain. haha. Well, all moot. We can blog again. hooray. :)

  12. Sonya, can I please have your May 11 post? Mine is missing, and I'd like something to show for my daily project. Even if it has the wrong title!

    Celeste, it is my habit to read your posts daily. And, you have good art to show daily - back at it!!

  13. I was unawares of the evil in blogger-land until I began receiving comments on a piece I posted in February!! And wondered why...checked my queue and found crazy things going on...luckily I only post 2x a week but those days got screwy...are we out of the woods? Is this an excuse to take a break?? I thought I had hit the wrong key but glad to know it was not me!! good luck.

  14. So a post from your drafts/queue was posted? That is sinister.

    Looks like I'll be seeking blogger out to replace my post from Wednesday.

    This is the mess you get when you apply a blanket solution to a specific problem. If Google were a governmental body, this would be considered authoritarianism. Wait a minute...

  15. Well, as of this morning, my entire post from May 11 magically reappeared - correct title, text and all. And even with a comment this time.

    It's just so bizarre I don't know what to think.

    So, Casey - there is hope that yours might return at some point in the future (I won't hedge a bet to say if that is near or far future, though).

  16. Sonya, according to their notes/buzz they are still returning Wednesday's posts this morning. Glad to hear your report.

  17. Sometimes I'm jealous of the connection everyone has with Google's Blogger. Over the past couple days I was insanely happy that Wordpress is my blogging software. I missed all of my Google friends and was even starting to go through withdrawals. Welcome back. :-)


  18. Don, I'd love to see the statistics for Bloggers migrating to WP after this.

    It happened to me once before, about 2-3 years ago. I was one of several who got the heavy hand of Blogger locking my access to my blog. *Bots* or some such Basic Situation I think it was.


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