
24 February, 2012

Impressionists at the MAC

Edgar Degas 
figurine, bronze posthumous cast

The Spokane MAC has an Impressionists exhibit, and I finally felt well enough to go today.  Good to be well, again.  Saw Renoir, Pissaro and Degas.  Also Inness.

Full report still to come.


  1. Glad you're feeling better, Casey.

  2. Sounds like a beautiful exhibit and I'm glad you're feeling up to seeing it! I'll be watching for more details!

  3. Thanks, Kvan and Sam. Doc says quit the Mucinex D and the shakes should get better. My hands won't work right, and one funny thing is I type lots of typos.

  4. so glad you are feeling better Casey! and glad you were able to make it to the MAC. sounds like a great show.

    Take care!


  5. Museum visits have a revitalizing effect. Your typos should decrease over the next couple days. Glad you're better and out and about at the finer places.

  6. It's good to be well, and well to be good.
    Just like "mistakes" in art, typos can add unexpected character. As Mark Twain (might have) once said: Tis better to typo, than not typo at all.
    Be Well (and good), St. Johnnny (just one more miracle!)

  7. Thanks, dear friends! I hope to post some art soon. I have been faithfully in the studio daily. During the shaky season, it was impossible to get the stick in just the right place - funny to consider how important that is!


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