
22 February, 2012

So Long, Word Verif#@ation

I took down my word verification.  The only spam I get is from some guy named kevin or kevin21.  He is very dedicated to his spamming here, and he takes the time and effort to fill in my WV.  And, I dump him straight into the spam file every time.

All others, please feel free to comment here, free of the now too odious word verification process.

Poppy Brew provided this nice graphic.


  1. I have been trying to figure out how to remove the WV from my comments section, especially since they made it WORSE with the two word thing that I can't read half the time because it looks blurred.

    I've also never understood why bloggers who moderate comments would use WV, anyway. So, good for you, Casey.

  2. The exact problem I have had, Sonya. And, my comment number has dropped off. I don't really count them, but it is noticeable.

    Go to Settings/Comments and look half way down the page to reset your WV.

  3. That's where I thought it should be, but there is no setting for WV of any kind...I'm not sure what to do. Typing the question into blogger "help" got me nowhere.

    My comments have dropped off as well, but I thought it was because the content was not worth commenting on. That's probably most of it, but the WV isn't helping matters.

  4. Okay, I just figured it out by going to the blogger forum. Lots of other people were complaining about the same issue, and in order to shut off WV, you have to go back to the OLD blogger interface because it doesn't show up on the new format. Why? Who knows, but that's why I wasn't seeing that option.

    So, WV is OVER for me as well.

  5. I must be using the old format. can't see a reason to change, except that I would like that little post=this-to-fb function. I sometimes post other blogger's posts to the face because I want my groups there to see them.

  6. Ha ha. Easy to do, Sharon - take down WV, that is. I think I put it up @ a year ago because of some SPAM, of which I get next to none. But, I must have had a rash of it when I did.

    If you're not getting spammed, and you vet your comments via e-mail, why put up that extra hoop?

  7. Thank God. I hate the new, improved word verification. Aside from making making a comment a bigger deal than it should be, I can't discipher the odd word of the two. It was a pain. I have never had it and IHNHS (to be said in a whisper: I have never had spam). Way to go Casey!

  8. O great blogger who went before me, I don't know why I thought I needed your permission to break the bonds of WF. In any case, you have led me down the path of willy-nilly, and I feel like the curfew has been lifted. Teenage rebellion was never as sweet.
    P.S. When Blogger questions me, I'll send them to you.

  9. With your permission, I'd like to post your nifty Prohibition badge.
    Uh-oh... you might have started a movement.

  10. Hi, Linda & Sam!

    I got along very well without WV for @ 4 years. Funny thing - this blog, which is fairly well trafficked, gets almost zero spam, and my other blogs get much more.

    I couldn't read them, either.

  11. Oh, I forgot to reiterate this graphic was made by another blogger for you to use.


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