Claude Monet was no stranger to the pastel medium. The link takes you to a report about The Unknown Monet: Pastels and Drawings (short pdf. exhibit catalog here), which opened yesterday in London's Royal Academy of Arts.
Of interest is the factoid that he exhibited seven pastels at the first Impressionist exhibit (Paris) in 1874. There are 20 pastels at the current exhibit, some of which are rather large. I am curious how they are framed. Are they in their original frames? Glass or plexi (if re-framed)? Katherine, any chance you have seen them?
The London duration of exhibit is 17 March - 10 June, 2007. Then the Clark Art Institute in Massachusetts will have the old boys' art from 23 June - 16 September, 2007.
Kitty Wallis of Portland, Oregon does some fabulous water lily pastels that remind me of Monet.
Very interesting Casey. Thanks for sharing that with us. :) Hope that all is well. :) *HUGS*
Yes, I am well. Now the kids are sick. Still plugging away in the studio, though. Thanks!
Very interesting post, Casey. Thank you - I also really enjoyed the great art videos on that Artdaily page. As though I needed more distractions!
Guess who's going to this! :-D
Hey, I knew you would, Katherine. Give us a report on the framing, please.
Have fun!
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