Juliette Aristides (Link), 2006
Classic Drawing Atelier,
A Contemporary Guide to Traditional Studio Practice
Watson-Guptill, New York
I just like the way that name sounds on the lips: "Atelier".
No doubt one of the best books out there for going back to the figure. A great boost for me, but weighted down by unnecessary dogma. I "get" that there were great realist artists functioning when the abstractionists were tearing at the fabric of art and culture. But, I don't see the need for a dialectic of "this versus that". I love Rothko, and I love Aristides' work.
This author's book isn't as dogmatic in presentation as others in the contemporary realist movement, but she does impress upon you that the lighted path is under the tutelage of a master, in an academic setting, and over the course of something like 3 -4 years. It left me asking, "don't you have an online or a correspondence course for that?" I could dream of moving the family to Florence, but it's not going to happen.
In the drawing book review meme, I give it 4 Pencils. And, even though I have mildly criticized this book, I will be running out to get the next one: Classical Painting Atelier: A Contemporary Guide to Traditional Studio Practice, by Aristides. How's my Italian going...?
Another review.

Anthony J. Ryder (Link), 1999
The Artist's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing
A Contemporary Perspective on the Classical Tradition
Watson-Guptill, New York
Well organized for the beginner, but very beneficial to the working artist. Nicely didactic, without being academic. Thorough.
I am not finished reading this one, yet, so a review is forthcoming.
I'll have to continue with the next four books later. Thanks for reading!
It's not just a case of moving the family to Florence, Casey, one then has to find the course fees. I'm only an hour away - So near and yet, so far :(
Have a wonderful 2008 and I'll look forward to blogging along behind you.
And I can't even see moving back to Seattle, where the Atelier author lives and teaches. How's that for so near yet so far?
No, I'm here in my beautiful country home, with my new mega studio. I'll be posting soon about the experience of moving in to the new space.
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