This is a list of my award giving:
Excellent Blogs
Meg Lyman
Julie Oakley
Maggie Stiefvater
Tracy Helgeson
Lisa Hunter
Joan DaGradi
Robyn Sinclair
Elijah Shifrin
Stephanie Smith
Deborah Paris
Made Day
Julianne Richards
Martha Marshall
Elizabeth Love
David Novak
William Lehman
Brilliante Award
Petra Voegtle
Tracy Helgeson
Deborah Paris
Lloyd Irving Bradbury
The Gang at Moleskine Exchange International, present party excluded
Adam Cope
Ann Nemcosky
Arte y Pico Award
Eden Compton
Vivien Blackburn
Harry Bell
Joan DaGradi
David Cornelius
Looks like I must really like Tracy, Joan, and Deborah because I awarded each of them twice! Some people never get meme awards from me, such as Corrine Bayraktaroglu (Jafabrit), or Kim Barker, because they are the ones giving me the award every time. Either that, or I look and see them recently receiving the same award!
I did create a virtual medal of art, called The Art Medal, which is presented with some fanfare and a letter. It is a more-serious-than-the-standard meme award and is characterized as the recognition of artistic courage. The sole awardee is Corrine Bayraktaroglu.
The Creative Artist Award goes to:
Jennifer Phillips
Mad Silence
Kate Beck
Joanne Mattera
I ask these bloggers to write roughly 100 words about artistic creativity and post them at their blogs.
Thanks, again, to Kim Barker for giving me this award!
Thanks for the link, Casey. Keep well.
Thanks for the mention and link Casey!
wow Casey..
you are very organised with your list ...
I shall have to do that with my awards..when I have a spare moment :) :)
Thank you Casey -- I'm honored to be honored on any list from you!
You make my day again!
Notice, dear readers, that Martha is now at Wordpress, and her blog is one of the definitive blogs on abstract art.
I appreciate all the awards I have received Casey, but I have to say the one I got from you really means a lot to me personally and professionally.
I wish I was as organized with my list. Lately I have been miss disorganized arg!
Me too.
This post was easy because of tags.
I have my sights set on the next recipient of The Art Medal. Stay tuned...
enjoyed surin' from this list
thanks for the mention
travail bien
Way to go JafaBrit!
And thanks Casey for the kind mention. Will folow up.
Kim is right on target, The Colorist is well organized. A difficult task for any part-time blogger.
You've listed many blogs I plan to visit.
Thanks, Adam & Madsilence.
I need the organizational kudos, as I sit here and review my calendar/set new goals!
Thanks, Casey! What a nice surprise. I am very honored and appreciate your thoughtfulness.
BTW, you are sooo organized!
I applaud you, Monsieur!
I guess I've been busy preparing for the little one on the way and didn't notice this link, but thanks Casey. I'd love to catch up with you sometime soon.
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