Cup of Joe, anyone?
Best to stay warm in this winter of spotty electric power, and heavy snows. I saw my life flash before my eyes the other day when that power pole split! Then, I realized it was just an arc of electricity shooting up from the insulators. Today, the furnace repair man will come to look at our oil furnace. I hope he can get that back up to speed, especially with temperatures under 20 degrees F.

I'm almost finished with Blogging Tips for artist bloggers. I promised to "type" my own blog, which I have done but haven't finished the copy on that post. One blogger friend has The Colorist designated as an "e-zine," which is close, but I have a slightly different take.

More Coffee? What else has been keeping me busy has been my return to the studio. After being sick, I am now able to re-start my productivity. Last year's art had its ups and its downs, but mostly I wasn't that active in the studio. The three months leading up to my December operation saw no artwork created at all.
I choose to see the good in this. Cup half full. No, I mean is you cup half full? Here's more coffee.
I have been in the searching stages to define my art directions, and the break gives a time for reflection. We'll see what happens. I am happy to be getting some blue landscapes finished, as well as some still life works. Photos pending. For purchases please look to my blog, Casey Klahn dot blogspot.

And on the Internet and blogging front, my ArtSlant profile continues to grow and receive viewership. The blog Pastel is featuring a series on how to draw/paint trees. The latest installment, Tree Admiration, takes you on a chef's tour of different artist's styles and how they treat trees.
I found Pam Farrell via Joanne Mattera, and she has a series of studio visits posted as the ISBP (Interactive Studio Blog Post). Studio inspiration, anyone?

Finally, I want to make sure you know that two local pastellists are now writing blogs. I enjoy exhibiting with these two superb artists, and I know you are jealous of my getting to view their art booths at the fairs. So, to make it up to you, I provide you with these links to their new blogs. Marla Baggetta blogs here, and Sheila Evans here. Enjoy.
Stay warm Casey and thanks for the mention on the Pastel blog. BTW, its a sunny 68 degrees here...:>
That cuts me deep, Deborah. Now we're out of both propane (demand increased suddenly!) and the oil furnace is down with parts on order. Country life is for the tough...
Got ya' !
Hi Casey
Lots of cups of coffee.
Watch out for those power lines.
Har. Thanks Trevor. Propane back on; no falling lines when I picked up my boy today.
Missed a day in the studio, though!
keep warm & happy Casey
nice, friendly tone to this post. best with all your endeavours :-)
Thanks, Adam!
Great to hear that you're back in the studio, Casey. Very best wishes for much good health and productivity. Cold country living sans heat, dodging falling power lines, sticking Wallis paper in your printer - you do live dangerously...
Lots of resolutions happening, Brian. Furnace and propane back in action, time in the studio beginning to be more regular, health better - all things to be thankful for.
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