The studio was humming this weekend, and I got four works done. Three sketch/studies, and one medium sized pastel. If you want to count failed works, then many more were done!
At Pastel, I posted some words on plastic color, as part of my Tree School series. Find out why I don't paint my trees green.
Plasticity in art is important to understand. "Plasticity is the quality of the presentation of a sense of movement in a painting," said Mark Rothko. Another less developed theory of plastic qualities in art refers to the three-dimensionality of the visual arts.
Deadlines for juries are looming, so I want to get a series done so as to submit four to five images that agree with one another. I hope to photograph them in a day or two, and you'll get to see them, too.
On another topic, I recommend Joanne Mattera's Marketing Mondays.
I would say that you are on a roll..........good job!
Wooo-Hoo! 'nother one this morning - I was up at 4 AM to try and reach a jury deadline.
Thanks, Kathi.
Go Casey Go!
Ha ha! Thanks, Laura.
ah ha! the pastels themselves are warming up !
funny how difficult it can be to get the ball rolling again, isn't it?
Actually, it never occurred to me that there was anything unusual about painting trees in a variety of appropriate colours.
A question: how do you choose your subjects?
Wish I could get into the mood of doing several works at the same time............well done.
Philip: I'm going to get into my subjects in my tree school series. Basically, I am influenced by my near and far environment.
Nkolika, I'll actually say that I didn't do multiple works here - at least not simultaneously. I did them one at a time. On occasion, I like to mount four papers and work on several at once.
Casey, if I crash the car whilst driving and looking at the colour of trees, I hope you'll say a prayer for my swift recovery. I'm seeing the deepest blues, and great reads and oranges at the moment on the drive to work. And that's just in the bare trunks of January. I'm excited about the early buds and leaves. I anticipate pinks for some reason. Talking on a mobile phone? Not me, I'm too busy contemplating the wonder of God's creation, and thinking about colour pallettes for that. Hell, was that a traffic light I missed?
Texting and driving?
Art is in you and needs to be let out, wouldn't you say?
Casey, could you watch the kids for a couple of weeks while I let rip, please?
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