Letter from the Mayor
It was a pleasure and an honor to receive an e-mail last week from the mayor of Hoquiam. He had his Google alerts turned on, and liked seeing my Hoquiam River Series. Looks like I'll have a public venue or two to exhibit these. I'd better get busy and make some more, soon.
Just call me Chilly, Willy
Too bad I'm not in the studio much, as my furnace gave up the ghost two weeks back. Call me Chilly Willy. With the extreme winter, all of my furnaces have needed maintenance this season. Two oil-electric space heaters are fending off the cold so that my stored paper doesn't get damp from condensation.

From the heart
Another project that is close to my heart is an illustration and design that I am working on for a monument. A granite stone, with my design, will be up for review as a memorial to the men of the Tenth Mountain Division who fought in World War II. An elite division of skiers and climbers, this unit has a big legacy both in war and in the post-war period.
My drawings will be of either a rock climber or a skier, and will represent the ever upward attitude and grace of these great athletes who went to war. It is an honor for me to commemorate these stalwart men.
Soon we'll have the furnace back in order, and I'll be back with some new Hoquiam works. Also, a few other works as well.
Nice little sketch, Casey! What do you grow in your greenhouse? I have an orchid greenhouse myself, but perhaps you have something more practical, like vegetables...
Congratulations on the call from the mayor! Very cool. Sorry to hear about all your heating troubles. Here in CO we've had the mildest winter in about 20 yrs. Strange.
When the kids came along, we surplused the big flower and veggie garden. This building is now in bad disrepair, unfortunately.
The garden will probably make a comeback, though - the kids are old enough to take an interest.
We set some records for cold and snow- bad for the deer. Heater in the studio back in action!
I need a day off, however.
Thanks for dropping by, Jala!
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