Coincidentally, Sheila Evans also received the First Place Award. I say coincidence because we are both from the Spokane area. What are the chances of two artists from the same area winning this, given that the Sausalito draws artists from throughout the US and even from overseas?
I did have this prize in mind when I painted for the festival, but I never imagined actually winning. I'll give you the lowdown on how to paint for an award in a future post.
Wow!!! You certainly deserve it Casey...... congratulations!!!!!!
We want to see the piece that won the award! Or is it for your body of work? Congratulations!!
I am not in the least bit shocked that you got first place. How wonderful for you and your humility is delightful.
Congratulations Casey- well deserved!
Congratulations, Casey! What a very fine outcome. I look forward to your tips ;)
Always better than a slap in the face;-) Glad you're back!
oh my, that is wonderful, congratulations :)
Congratulations on your award! I know it was much deserved.
Wow! Congratulations. I do hope you can post your drawing piece here on your blog. It would be greatly appreciated.
I don't think I've ever opened up dashboard to see ten comments at once! Thanks to my readership - also way up since the fair - that is a surprise, too.
In one way, this is a feather in your cap for reading here, since you are all part of the process.
Yes, it is for the body of work. To see it, click on the river series icon at The Colorist home page.
Adam - I did wonder if the committee was coming to give me the boot (that happens). I took this as better than that.
One wag at the fair described this as the "Art Fair Oscar" because of the notoriety of the Sausalito. I have 2 other awards from a higher authority, but in a strange turn of events, this one comes more as a "breakthrough" than those. Funny stuff.
In another secret from the artist's box, I figured out how to double my quality before this show. Stay tuned...
Congratulations Casey! Way to represent the state!
Thanks, Lisa. There were a number of Drawing/Painting artists from WA at the show.
I also noticed that the festival was heavy on sculpture.
I was bragging to HAL-9000 about you winning first place yesterday.
He said "It can only be attributable...to human error."
Oh, it was on!
I pulled his plug faster than you can say "Daisy-Daisy Give me your answer in binary!".
(Computers got no couth nowadays.)
(Kudos truck backing up)
MEGA-Congratulations on your FIRST PLACE WIN there Casey!
P.S. - Mr. Kanno says "PLUS ONE!"
P.S.S. Artoo and C-3PO sez:
"I'm not fluent in UNIX..."
P.S.S.S. - The Lost-in-Space Robot sez:
"DANGER! WARNING! Jealousy detected in GAR-*"
Aww...wouldja look at that? Somebody pulled his plug.
Lots and lots of human error, in fact. The more the better.
So, Garth! You are the guy who owns HAL 9000, now. It's no wonder SMERSH is always around the corner waitin on you...
For my readers who did not go to Hoquiam High School, which may be 99.9999% of you, Garth is mentioning our HS art teacher Kenichi Kanno. Hey, Mr. Kanno!
On another note, Garth, I am now Facebooking, and the noteworthy part of that is all of the HS classmates I've met that I haven't seen in 30 years.
Fantastic news, Casey, and well-deserved. Congratulations! Wish I could have seen your work at Sausalito in person.
Thanks, Brian. I do have *much* of it left, so it will be shown again in some format.
Luckily, I made my fees. I realized today, though, that I may have broken my hand at the take down Monday night. Ouch!
SMERSH, Smert Shpionam, SPECTRE, QUANTUM...a rose by any other name would smell up my lapel.
As the de facto head of T.H.R.U.S.H. nowadays (Shhh!)...it's my duty to ride herd on HAL9000 (now a corrupt, yet devoted, extension of the mobile T.H.R.U.S.H. super computer).
I've had my hands full keeping HAL off of TWITTER though. Since last spring he's been way too...
...Which describes our feelings exactly knowing that a Hoquiam Homey brought home First Place Glory from Sausalito.
Whoops!...duty calls...
HOLLY: "I think I've gone a bit peculiar...)
HAL9000: "This conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."
(...engaging HOLLY-HOP drive...)
(Camaradic finger jitters)
Boys from the Hoq!
(Pronounced: "Hoke")
Still, would I rather have the medal in Log Rolling? Maybe.
Congratulations!! I look forward to how to paint for an award. You are a wonderful artist. I'm new to blogging will sign myself up as a follower immeditely.
Thanks, Anita, and thanks for reading here.
That's fantastic, Casey. Really fantastic. And I hope your hand's okay too?
Thanks, Steph.
My hand is on the mend with my nurse (my wife!) in charge. She says it was like a bone bruise.
:) Congratulations Casey! Haven't visited in awhile.No worries though, I haven't really visited anyone here on my blog that often. Glad to see that your doing good, actually great. :) You are very deserving of that Casey! :)
Thanks very much, Angela. Glad to see you're doing well - take it easy.
First Place isn't high enough for your drawings. Some sort of ritual self-abasement at your feet by the judges sounds about right to me.
Good image. Thanks for that.
I can always count on Sippican Cottage for the extreme and excellent in discourse.
Unless you consider the Borderline Sociopathic Blog for Boys in the mix.
Well done, Casey! Congratulations.
Thanks, Harry. Tip a Guinness for me on Arthur's birthday. And I'll return the favor.
Congrats, Casey! I'm not surprised.
P.S. How was the fair for you, in general?
10Q, Jala.
I did fine, even though I overspent on lodging. I wanted to be extra close to the venue, so I got a high end room essentially in Sausalito. I was lucky, I think, to break even. Others I spoke to did the same, although a couple of artists did well, and others did poorly. Typical spread, but definitely the crowd had thin wallets.
Sign of the times.
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