My set-up at Loriann's slough locale. She loves this particular spot, and I can see why. There are scenes wherever you look - but that generally describes Skagit County, Washington.

Painter in the mist. Loriann Signori is well focused on her art. Her post of the image is

Our favorite plein airist, Loriann, was be-nighted the evening before, looking for her lost house key in the tall grass with a flashlight. She didn't like the sounds of something big slapping the water, and beat a hasty retreat. I found the tracks and showed her what she'd been avoiding - a small bear.

When bloggers meet - a paint out adventure. Loriann Signori and Casey Klahn in La Conner, Washington.
I will post the artwork I did soon. I still haven't unpacked my big van since my Kirkland show. After seeing Loriann, I had a great time driving east over the Cascade Mountains and home after much arting and general hob-nobbing. Unusual for me, I actually enjoyed the hot weather in Leavenworth, WA - maybe after being cold at the painting location!
Next posts: galleries and art fairs and workshops.
Hi Casey!!!!!!!
It sure was a pleasure to meet ... finally! Thanks for taking the drive all the way from Kirkland to La Conner, just to share talk and painting time! The blogosphere is wonderful, don't you think?
I loved having the opportunity to see your paintings and to see your process as well.
Thanks also for telling one other piece of the story...it seemed only fitting, since you figured it out!
I am glad to hear that you had a good trip home. Thank you also for the "full spread" on you blog. I embarrassingly feel like a "cover girl"...can't say i have been in that place:-)
What a beautiful spot- looking forward to seeing what you did with it!
Hi Casey,
ah that's so nice that you've met and painted together. Lucky gyues you are...
Is there better blog copy in the world than when bloggers meet? It was fun to paint with you, LS, and I learned. Maybe I'll become a plein airist, yet.
Hey, Deborah! I will post my image, warts and all. Even if it is only a reference for the studio, I do like it.
Hey, Asti! Perhaps we'll meet and paint sometime. I know I mentioned you to someone at the art fair this weekend.
Loriann is such a terrific and free painter.
I have only ever met one other artist blogger before. That was Meg Lyman, The Crash Octopus, from Atlanta. Many of my artist friends who I know from other walks of life have taken up blogging, but of those I know only via the ethernet, this is number 2. I may get to meet Lisa McShane next month, too, and I hope that works out.
Great photos! How nice you were able to meet and paint together. And scout for bear tracks!
(It does look cold!)
Looking forward to seeing the painting, Casey, and what a treat that you and Loriann got to work on site together in person - and have breakfast, too! I'm enjoying it all vicariously through your blog posts...
Lisa, I did take a layer off while painting, but it was humid. We agreed that the sun would've spoiled the painting session, though.
Hey, Brian. LS divulged a Wolf Kahn secret to me, too. She says he uses rude paper for his pastels. Basic, that is.
sounds like an enchanting meeting.
BTW, what happened to the river banks, I mean, where's the nature? Who cut it all down???
Too cool! that you guys got to meet and paint together. That scenery would even inspire me to try a landscape. Though I have to say it looks very mosquito-y. AND with bears? Oh my.
If wildlife is any indication, the nature is doing quite well, Adam. This is a causeway, and then there is a berm, and then an agricultural field. Skagit is known for good ag, and especially for those darn tulip fields. Maybe the bear eats tulips. I did see several Great Herons, a raccoon, a Kingfisher and of course our bear tracks!
Love it there.
Jala, we did meet up with another painter who is local, and who complains about mosquitoes. None right there, however.
Rude paper, huh? That's a new term for me... Some of the inexpensive stuff I practiced on this past weekend was pretty rude, come to think of it. I wonder what specific papers WK uses - I think maybe BFK? Not sanded papers, I know.
Well, the word that came to me was, "cheap" or perhaps "crappy." The gist was inexpensive.
Hey, Brian, I posted his 45 minute lecture on reasons NOT to paint landscapes. Very illuminating and fun.
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