Coffee Clutch - Newsy Morning
Since the snow is flying here at Colorist-land, I suggest you pour a cup of Joe and see what we've been reading and writing lately. Two very interesting threads have been posted at Pastel, recently. One is a review by Brian McGurgan about the Vincent van Gogh nocturnes on display at MoMA. The other is my interview with German artist Astrid Volquardsen, whose beachscapes in pastel are well worth seeing.
Much of my recent posting at The Colorist has been of old favorites and also a guest essay. The Criteria for fine drawing is revealed here by Mary Adams, of Trinidad & Tobago. And, in case you missed them, why not check out the subjects of Barns and Intuition? Further, the series on Artist's Traits was an all time great series about the way-of-life for the dedicated artist (about fifteen posts long).
If you've read this far, you know that I am convalescing after an operation. Things are fine, and it went well. Today is another no-appetite day, and the pain meds are being stepped down. The first of these operations (this one is #3) took about a year to recover from, and the second hasn't really been recovered from. That was February - so this third one is supposed to be the fix.
I was just paging through the archive here in preparation for my 2 year blog-birthday on the 16th., and while reviewing the past anum, I could see the difficult year that it has been for me and my art. Still, I did paint 3 or 4 that I value highly and so I can say that growth happened in spite of resistance from the physical issues.
Is the cup of coffee still steaming? I figured out (after almost 2 years!) how to get gifs to play in my blog. It's my secret, by I also found out that you shouldn't mooch other peoples' bandwidth when you use these. If their host is big enough, and they offer them, then it is Okay. Otherwise, be a good-netiquette-neighbor and mind whose bandwidth yer' on.
This is a fascinating one. Our favorite New York State oil painting blogger, Tracy Helgeson, is following her Tribe-marketing instincts, and has grouped a terrific band of art bloggers together at one site, The Fine Art Department. The FAD is your one-stop shopping place for an affordable fine art/craft purchase, and when you go there and click on my link, it takes you to this easy-pleasey place where you can see several of my ready-to-ship original pastels. That's
Soon-to-come: idyllic snow pictures.
Abstract Expressionism, Art Criticism, Artists, Colorist Art, Drawing, History, Impressionism, Modern Art, Painting, Pastel, Post Impressionism
It is good to see you back for a longer blog. I really hope you get some true relief from this operation. Will keep you in my prayers.
Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes, Miki. I can use 'em.
Even for a re-cap post, it takes up some energy and time - so the challenge is there. Yesterday, I was in the studio for the first time. I cleaned and organized, but it's something.
I had a hard time with the second interview post - I had to do a lot of reformatting and a little bit of editing. I was unhappy with the graphic look in the end, but I was bushed and had to finally throw up my hands!
We never get sick of your snow photos, Casey, so some more would be rather nice.
You've been extremely stoic about all the misery these operations have caused. You deserve to have a great year in 2009!
Hi Casey,
although I am not always commenting I am following your blog closely to see what's up and there is always something interesting to ponder...
Currently I am not very well either, having a really bad cold at the moment and lots of sleepless nights due to my mom falling in deep coma a couple of weeks ago from a very bad stroke which resulted in being on the road every 2 weeks or so for 5 hours one way.
I wish you all the best for a full recovery and a wonderful Chistmas time for you and your family.
So long,
Thanks, Robyn. Well, I don't think stoic, but one "carry's on" when it's chronic pain. I have a chance to get over this mostly, now. We'll see.
My sympathies on your mother, Petra. That's a lot of stress on you, so take care. I gave your link to Astrid, who will be reading your blog, now.
I've enjoyed this post and the 45-minute journey through abstract realism, Van Gogh & the Fine Art Dept. (I'm now a follower). You're an exceptional artist & quality blogger. I've always loved realist portraits & landscapes but have never been able to explain to my friends the abstract nature of good realism.
Casey, you may enjoy the American Arts Quarterly ( Check out the Fall 2008 issue.
Ill health can be debilitating to mind and spirit, as well as our bodies. I hope you are on the mend on all counts. Best wishes for bountiful good health and lots of studio time in the New Year! And thanks for the visit to my blog today.
I am touched by the comments.
Feeling pretty well today, with a cold snap outside @ 5 degrees F. Minimizing pain meds and trying to see how I feel.
Love you guys, and here are my best Christmas wishes.
I wish you strength & deep healing. Your creativity shines out like a light & even if the quantity was on the little side, they remain in my mind as excellent & inpirational.Rare Quality.
Heal well & enjoy the fairy lights this chhristmas.
Casey, I didn't know you had another operation :( I am sorry to hear that, but I hope it is helping and you are healing fast.
I like snow pics, and I am liking this cup of joe :)
have a lovely Christmas and all the best for the new year
love corrine
Thanks for the kindnesses and well wishes, Adam and Corrine.
Today was a challenge - my first day as daddy day-care dad again. The two were with their grandparents for a week, and then at school or day care for the next week.
Anyway, somehow I made it through today, but with some trouble (physical).
I am glad to report my studio is finally well organized and clean, and I think I'll be making art soon enough! Woo Hoo.
ahhhh - a soldier to the last ;)
(I'm up for alot of extra day-care with my two young ones this xmas holidays as well, which can be really nice time)
heal well, Casey.
Casey, I have just found your blog and am putting it in my favorite places. So much good information and art. Thanks.
Stay well and warm.
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