Do you feel that art blogging should be even more popular or widespread than it is now? I do, and I predict that it will become more popular this year than ever before.
I have been slacking here at The Colorist just a bit, lately. On the plus side, some of that inattention has been due to extra time in the studio. A very happy thing!
Another happy thing was receiving the "I love Your Art Blog Award" from Kathi Peters at Equine Artists. Thanks for the love! I wish I could love-up an award for every artist blogger who reads here, too. The rules of this meme are that a recipient should name seven loves, and pick seven more art blogs to receive this award.
My past award recipients are listed at this post. I want to shake the love around and pick others this time.
Seven peeps I love:
- Wife
- Son
- Daughter
- Artists
- Art Patrons
- Army Veterans
- Our Brave Servicemen
- Brian McGurgan - Brian McGurgan's Drawings, A Journal
- Robert Chunn - Alla Prima
- Jala Pfaff - Art Every Day
- Charley Parker - Lines and Colors
- Garth Edwards - The Artist of Paradox
- Loriann Signori - Loriann Signori's Painting-A-Day
- Gesa Helms - Paint and Pastel
Ever feel like your circle of artist blogs is too narrow? One fun way to go out visiting is to take an award like this and Google it to see who's been posting about it. An example.
Another slick place for discovering art blogs is the new Art Blog Directory. Spin the cube!
Eden Compton has tagged me here, as well. Thanks, Eden! Adam Cope has awarded me here, and I hope to post my responses next. Thanks, Adam!
Great post and congrats on all the love! My circle of artist blogs is wide but I am open to finding more...so I am off to check out your blog loves. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks very much for the good vibes, Casey. I'll post my seven over the coming weekend if not sooner. I'm especially grateful for the warm feelings you're giving to our servicepeople. Although a veteran of the Peace Corps myself, there is a strong history of military service in my family. Right now my youngest brother, a combat helicopter pilot in the army, is serving in Afghanistan and will be there until December. He also did a year in Iraq in 2005-06. Our thought are always with him and with those he serves beside and your good wishes are most welcome.
Thanks, Casey! I "x o" your blog too!
Hey, Teresa. Your blog is looking good - very comprehensive info on colored pencil work. Thank you for commenting.
Brian, that's a tough job for your brother - being a helicopter pilot. I don't know if you've read the book "Chickenhawk". Controversial, but hard to put down.
Hey, Jala. I especially respect your daily, or near daily, posting. And, I look to you for the definitive still life that I can learn so much from.
Thanks so much for thinking of me Casey! What an honor! I love your blog too......You are an inspiration for all artists.
XO Loriannn
My pleasure, Loriann. Has everyone seen Loriann's southwest landscape paintings at her blog?
Thank you so much, Casey! I had seen this before I headed off to Chile but that time was all a bit hectic. I am now back, almost back in space/time just the way it ought to be and finally catching up with people's blogs. It's a great list!
I've just read up on your art fair plans too - how great to be accepted for that one! congratulations! and i'll be watching out for your new work for it!
Gesa, glad you're back safe and sound from South America.
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