I am also on the fence between two ideas for April's theme here at at The Colorist newsletter. I have been wanting to do a study of the Abstract Expressionists, complete with bad photoshops of me rubbing elbows with Lee Krasner and Robert Motherwell. That's going to be a kick in the pants! The other idea is a project relating to art criticism. It will be a participative project for the artists and writers out there in blogland. Don't worry, though, I will keep it active and interesting for everyone as I endeavor to keep my promise of "no artspeak".
Which ones to do first? I have no idea. All of the buzz right now is on my previous post where the war between commercialism and creativity has been raging. I am happy for a rousing discussion, and it makes me think that I will go ahead with my art critic thread for the month of April.
Hey Casey! I can't wait to hear about Lee!!! She was Jackson Pollocks wife! I'm sure you knew that but I just couldn't help myself. I think that's sooo kewl!
Although, I'm sure she didn't want people comaring the two. She is her own artist... I would love to see more of her works! Can't wait...
Glad you're looking forward to it.
Oh, yes. "Lee" and I go way back. We were best buds until the one time that I walked into their studio flat and stepped in a bucket of latex paint.
Of course, I tried to cover up the mess on the floor, but they said, "no! That's a painting!"
I'm excited to hear about art critics. I don't know much about them, and would like to hear how they relate to what people like vs. what the art market likes, how much emphasis they place on the "rules" (like composition and color theory, etc.) and whether their advice can help you improve. Also, how do you go about getting a professional critique?
Hey, CrashOctopus (AKA Meg).
As it so happens, I am drinking a Guinness, and getting ready to cook dinner form the kids.
Not to tip my hand, but I am planning a research study on art criticism. Then, we are all going to critique one another. It will involve 1 for 1 trades. Artists aren't professional "art critics", but they are very qualified critics of art in many ways.
We'll have some fun, and maybe even profit from an online group project.
Totally off topic, I love the photo Casey. Made me smile and you do keep taunting me with that huge tray of colours. As soon as I finish these watercolours I'll reapproach pastel. Looking forward to your next session.
I'm glad this month of pastels has been well received. I try to keep it "lively".
I am also looking forward to learning more about art critics. How are they educated? What qualifies one to be a critic? Do any of them produce/exhibit their own artwork?
Who are the current experts? Where do they work? Are individual opinions mostly in agreement, or is there a dissenter among them?
I'm not a working artist, but I'd like to participate in the critiques. Are basement hacks allowed?
Turns out that the art critic world turns on controversy as much as anything else. Lots of disagreements.
I would say that anyone can participate. I think that writing skill is going to be the currency of value in this project.
I even will open this up to complete non-artists (if you will), but then it would be a free gratis, or some other barter.
The rules have already been written (or guidelines, I should say), and the post written. I'm just waiting for the calender to crank over.
Thanks for the good questions!
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