Thanks to my awarders for these recent memes. Jafabrit made my day, and Kim Barker grades me an "E" for excellent.
Also, we will get a chance to interview Alyson Stanfield about her new book, I'd Rather Be In The Studio. That will be April 29th. , so be sure to look here then.
Alyson is a spunky, energetic dynamo in person, and prone to the occasional witticism. She has helping artists "in the gut", and it shows in her efforts at the ArtBizCoach, and at the ArtBizBlog. I have sought her help on a number of occasions. Her class on Get Organized is a suicidal month of labeling, trashing, introspecting and interacting. You will suffer. You will cry. You will be a better business person, and be more focused on your art in the studio with fewer monkeys on your back telling you, "what ya' gonna do with that room full of paperwork spread all over the floor?"
I am still convalescing, and wonder if a large hematoma may cause a second surgery. I'll see my physician this week, and may have better news. I am getting in the studio the past three days for @ 3 hour stints of time. Still in bed much of the day, with some pain and nausea. Anyway, that's my excuse for not linking through my obliged award memes, but I will do so soon.
The art is coming along, with a few successes and much discovery. I am developing a "reductive" method that is a lot of fun, but then again that might be my meds...
Hope it's good news and your recovery plods along slow and sure.
I have read Alyson's blog a few times and the information is excellent.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have better news Casey...
I have been greatly limited this year due to my shoulders and I can empathise...
Alyson sounds like my physio...
I will have to have a read her Get Organized article :)
Casey, here's hoping you hemotoma is just a dirty big bruise and you are actually still on the recover path. Best wishes!
Thanks, Corrine, Kim and Robyn.
The Get Organized class by AS is an online course, BTW.
Hey Casey,
You are not only a wonderful visual artist but also a word smith! I enjoying reading your colorful blog. See you on Alyson's tour! Italy is seeping into my creations... yes it is a good place.
Thanks, Robin!
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