The easiest way for me to fulfill my obligations to my two current "viral" awards will be to list my bloglines feeds. These are the blogs I view daily. I am plodding along on some bed rest, you know, so I'll finish this post and ping these bloggers about this soon.

Today, we'll respond to the Made My Day Award. Let's pick a theme of abstraction, as these artists make me think:
- The Colorspeaker - Julianne Richards, of NYC. She does colorful abstracts , Acrylic on canvas or paper. Medium sized works that include a combination of gestures, shapes and colors.
- An Artist's Journal - Martha Marshall, of Tampa, FL. Another Acrylicist whose work is as notable for its rich textural content as for its compositions. You really need to see her website to get the breadth of her work.
- NZ Art - Elizabeth Love, of Timaru, New Zealand. She is one of the best colorists on the internet, in my opinion. Elizabeth shares her Christian faith in an interesting interweaving of textual content with abstracted compositions. Her art involves canvases reminiscent of quilts or tapestries, and lavish, brilliant color.
- David Novak - AE- Life in Flat Land. David's in Matthews, North Carolina. He is also very prolific. I linked him recently, but also added him to my feeds. His automatist work, he says, is akin to "shooting craps." He exploits the chance events in the abstract painting process. And, he's not afraid to think and write about his work, which I think is admirable.
- deCloned - William Lehman. William lives in Newark, OH, and has his hands in more projects than you can count.
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Display the “You Make My Day Award” logo.
4. Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news.
Really enjoyed exploring your links :)
Thanks for those links. Great sites, though deCloned wouldn't load. Is it me?
Good to hear from you, Yellow! I get deCloned fine, but I sure appreciate any broken link reports.
Hi Casey AKA Pastelist "Extraordinare."
I wasn't sure what you meant by "linked" in your email, but now I do. Thanks for the mention. So much to tell you...I think I have finally found my style, Of course, it could, and will, change as soon as its expression has run its course. But for now, I am enjoying a bit of a creative binge. Miss our correspondences. Hope you are well, and sharing your wealth of talent.
Warm Regards,
The Colorspeaker-Julianne
I've enjoyed watching your blog and art, Julianne. I wish you well with your sales and I'm glad you're finding our style!
Thanks for your link, Casey...was wondering why I was getting lots of hits coming from your site!
Hey Casey, I took about a month off basically not posting very much at all and just am coming back just now... lol.
Anyway, I am getting back into everything now. Sorry to those who tried to come by while I was redesigning the blog and away. The new design though, It's finally done!
wait... what was I supposed to do now? ;)
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