It gives me great pleasure to introduce my newest blog: The Colorist Daily. Original Pastels in the New School Color style, posted mostly every day and many at under $100.
Should I offer a drum roll? How about a theme song? I need a theme song for this. Although this one I found at You Tube is for The Blob, try to imagine it as "The Blog!" It is from my birth year, so I kind of liked that.
Need it more up tempo? Try another from my birth year; this one by Henry Mancini, who always did the best theme songs I can remember.
Man, I love that!
Too out there for you? Nothing says intro better than this one, also from that same year.
Anyway, you get the idea. New, fresh art in small and collectible sizes. The Colorist Daily. Feel free to subscribe or follow.
Compared to "Peter Gunn", "The Blob" is sorta dorky. But it does have that cool opening credit graphic and Steve McQueen, the absolute antithesis of a dork. And the MGM lion is also above dorkdom. You've got a lot to live up to between Mancini, McQueen and MGM.
Personally, I'm looking forward to The Daily like a good cup of joe. Hope you get a lot of subscribers!
Hey Casey
Enjoyed your music today...that's what I call sexy music! --makes ya want to dance. I was also born in that year....(clearing throat) Love your new work and I always inspired. Keep em coming.
Congratulations Casey on your new blog. I have been following both the Colorist and your Pastel blog for a few years now and wanted to thank you for the incredible amount of information you offer up to your readers. It was your blogs that inspired me to fan the flame of my passion for the pastel medium and colorist painting. I was able to use much of the information for the creation of Canada's first and only pastel specialty shop, Pastel Studio Canada. In the spring I met Diane Townsend at her home in PA, and this November Isabelle Roche will be visiting the shop. Our future looks bright and I wish the same for you.
Warmest regards from Canada.
Edward Hanson
Hi Casey.
Its been so long without contact; but I just wanted you to know I put a link to this site with a comment on my Facebook page; "Pastelist Extraordinare" Indeed.
xoxoxo Your friend on the other coast,
I look forward to seeing your new work. The Blob=coolness
I think an artist needs to have an inner dork. The ability to not fit in. You found the "M" in the themes, and I only found the year. Very cool, Sam.
I knew there was something else we had in common besides Matisse, Laura.
1958 was probably a good year for some wine, but now I've found some favorite themes, too.
I'll spot you this great link to Peter Gunn, with lyrics by Sheila Vaughan and scenes from the show. I really enjoyed it. Link
What a great comment, Edward! You've made my day, and I am happy that you have followed your dream with the store in Ontario. Looks like the exact mix of pastels I would choose, too.
I hope you will greet Roche and Townsend when you see them, for me. I plan to send Isabelle an e-mail soon.
I will get busy soon and link you at my blogs.
Julianne! I was thinking about you the other day. Wonder if you are married yet, and how everything is going. Thanks for the link.
Antonio - good to meet you, and I follow your blog, now. Thank you for checking in.
I wish you all the best on your new blog and many, many, many creative sparks.
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