New Studio Project in Winter
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Those of you who reside in cities often have a limited understanding of the rural lifestyle. New Yorkers think we still live in log forts out here and trade with the Indians. Volcanoes explode periodically.
This photo will probably not disabuse you of your idealized view of us out here in the hinterlands. Eastern Washington is very thinly populated. Where I live, man is far, far outnumbered by North American Whitetail Deer and Coyotes.

This panorama features my new studio, which is a converted 14 foot by 60 foot house trailer. How redneck can you get? Robyn Sinclair has the most beautiful, Old World, little studio space in Tuscan Italy. I have the biggest space one can imagine, in the New World wilderness. Well, it has its own beauty.
you can keep the cold and snow :D but oh I am envious of that wonderful huge studio space!
It's not in yet, but we're working on it.
Snow? What snow? This is just the first skiff...
there is something magical about seeing snow like this, but even more so is having a huge studio space overlooking it :)
When we lived in rural New Jersey we were snowed in for three weeks, and it was beeeeeeeeeoutiful. I had me turps for painting and me milk for my cups of tea. What more could I ask for hee!hee!
:D first skiff it might be but it would be more than enough for me! I know how deep you get it and I'd just hibernate I think!
Oh Casey, this is just beautiful. Now I understand why you paint trees! What a beautiful property. What a HUGE studio. Now you have no excuse not to make HUGE paintings - which is always the way I see your work.
We had a dusting of snow this morning which is quite exciting for me.
Yes, Robyn, it is a beautiful place. Thanks. Our view is nifty, with 360 degrees of just wheat or grass fields, barely the top of one far neighbor's farm, river canyons and mountain foothills.
Yesterday I was glassing the view with binoculars, and thought I noticed a deer on the snow. When it took to the air, it became recognizable as a large raptor.
I stood dead still and followed him as he flew towards me, wondering if he was a lost condor because of his marvelous size. As he dipped behind small hills, his size was even made more impressive.
Then, I had to turn slightly to keep watching, and even though he was still a quarter mile away, that movement caused him to veer in a circle. Then, as I remained still, he flew slowly and gracefully to me. He landed in a conifer in my yard, and displayed his tail fan and wingspan. Slowly, he turned his head and peered down at me. His curiosity was just as strong as mine.
Probably it was a Golden or a female Bald Eagle, but the perspective against the snow accentuates the size of these birds. Owls display the same curiosity, especially in the snow.
I stopped breathing while I read of your encounter, Casey. Wonderful. I've thrilled to big wedge-tail eagles in Australia. Unforgettable. Actually, I got excited when I saw a sparrow this morning! I was hoping it was a Robin.
Wow - impressive size Casey!
Your place looks wonderful too.
I loved the story about your eagle.
Thanks, Katherine. The floor boards are down, and the linoleum comes next! I'm starting to visualize working in the studio.
I have to correct myself. I looked up the eagles, and I thought I was taught as a youth that the female Bald did not have the white plumage. My bad, as it looks as if both sexes do share the white, and the female is a little larger than the male.
I have been around a lot of Bald Eagles, including up close with over a hundred at a time (Alaska). So, you'd think i would know that detail!
But, it's hard to re-learn what you thought you knew, huh? The good side is now I know my sighting was a Golden Eagle.
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