7.5" x 10.5"
Soft Pastel
Casey Klahn
Uh Oh. This realist stuff is getting to be habit forming. Well, maybe we can consider this one "in-between" my New School Color style, and regular landscape fare. It's certainly inspired by local scenery and color, and it did derive from a plein air sketch.
On the home front, we are still snowed in and a number of roads are closed. Apparently a record amount in a 24 hour cycle. We had to postpone my operation which was to have been next week. Dang.
On the home front, we are still snowed in and a number of roads are closed. Apparently a record amount in a 24 hour cycle. We had to postpone my operation which was to have been next week. Dang.
I like the intensity.
Thanks, John. Cool Icon/Avatar.
I like that. A lot. A lot. A lot. Perhaps you should have your lovely bride email me with the price that such a piece might command. 'cause I'm just saying that it might be purchased.
Love ya!
Patty Edwards-Clemons
So exciting to see new work from you Casey. I find this really beautiful,I love the composition and the colour is such a treat to my senses. Not a scholarly comment I know, but straight from an uplifted heart.
Awesome blue in the sky!
And good luck with the being snowed in and the surgery.
Thanks, Patty. My people will call your people. We are thoroughly snowed in after high winds and now up to the hips!
Thanks for the good vibes, Meg and Robyn.
This painting is wonderful. The colors captured me right away. Wow! Stay safe and warm.
Hi Casey, another wonderful colour intensive painting - this blue is just so vibrant that one wants to dive into it immediately. Very seducing.
Btw - thank you very much for the link on your blog.
My best wishes for your surgery!
Casey, you get dug out yet? The new icon is my newest pal, traveler 19. Let us know how the surgery goes.
Casey - how can you post something like this and not tell us what you used for that sky? Amazing colour!!!
Wow. I mean, really, wow! The sky is absolutely fantastic and I love the whole atmosphere of it, makes me nostalgic for summer (we're snowed in too). Awesome work!
John: The house is still unavailable to the broader world in general. Thank God we have power, phone, heat, pantry and internet. Running low on coffee and out of beer. Send money, guns and lawyers...just kidding, but I always wanted to say that.
Yesterday the main highway to Spokane was closed, and the city was "emergency vehicles only advised" by the State Patrol. Today, we wonder when the plow will come, since we are at the end of the road, and relatively low on the priority list for Lincoln County.
Since I couldn't make my pre-op appointment, my surgery has been postponed. I'll keep you in touch. Luckily, my pain cycle is slightly less than last week, and I have had exercise and studio time.
Thanks Miki, Petra and Katherine. You gotta love interaction on blogs, as these comments are written from Bloggers in Hawaii, Germany and England.
Your answer, Katherine, is in the next post.
Thanks, "Purple". Your Icon is cool, too.
Casey, this painting just glows. I read the above post on how you achieved the depth of blue. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Lindsay.
Wonderful composition. Beautiful sky, but my eye is caught by the light and the great shadow. You have incredible color sense.
Appreciate that, Robin. Thanks very much. I was caught by something WK said recently about "you have color sense or you don't!"
I won't say if I believe that or not, but my mother did have great color sense.
The great shadow/contrast area - there is that "sweet spot" rule in play, eh? Surprisingly, the drum doesn't distract but there's a secret reason for that. Tune in soon for a few secrets of composition that I use...
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