Now, to respond to the excellent Kim Barker's meme, given to me here. My job is to rate 10 more blogs as excellent. BTW, my ratings & stats have come from "the tank" to "groovin'" in the past 2.5 months. I am happy for all of you who have linked me, blog rolled me, or just plain read this blog. My heartfelt thanks!
Some of you have eschewed these memes, and I have no way of knowing. Nothing bad will happen to you if you break this chain! Something good, as far as readership, may happen, though!
Excellent Blogs:
Meg Lyman - The Crash Octopus
Julie Oakley - Julie's Pictures
Maggie Stiefvater - Graywaren Art (I figure you don't do these, Maggie, but here it is anyway)
Tracy Helgeson - Works by...
Lisa Hunter - The Intrepid Art Collector (She's so droll, she'll probably take me off of her blog roll for this - but I love her blog!)
Joan DaGradi - Postcards from New Orleans
Robyn Sinclair - Have Dogs...
Elish - Art & Critique (Hmmn..Can't find a name for him, but I appreciate his work)
YellowSteph - A Roker Artist
Deborah Paris - A Painting Life
That you so much for this. I'm over the moon. I'll post about it soon when I've given some thought as to who to nominate in return.
Thanks again.
You're the one who earned it, Y.
haha Casey...I like your extra comments for some of the artists :)
I am familiar with Deborah's blog..as I just purchased one of her lovely landscapes recently....and of course the artists you have selected that are already on the top Artist's list...
I'll pop over and visit the others that I'm not familiar with :)
Hey, Kim, thanks for reading this follow-up. Any remarks added by me are pain killer related!
You own a DParis! Bravo!
Thanks for the kind words, Casey. This is the kind of meme that's actually fun.
Whew! Glad to hear it, Lisa!
Thank you for mentioning me (I'm the "Elish" guy).
And thanks for the response, Elijah.
Casey, thank you for the kind mention.
Congrats, btw, on your blog. Awesome!
Great to see yours, too, Joan.
Everyone go see Joan's new watercolors to see how they should be done, IMO.
How fun - and congratulations!
I recognize a few of your faves - wonderful artists all.
Hi Casey. I just found your blog after noticing several click thrus to mine from yours - then discovered you had mentioned my blog on yours! Thanks very much! I am a big Wolf Kahn fan so I really enjoy seeing your work here. I am doing several posts on the Tuner show in Dallas so check it out. Thanks again!
Thanks, Deborah. Sorry I didn't give you a heads up, but I'm not at full speed, lately.
Statcounter seems to do the job for us these days!
Thanks, Cynthia. Have a happy birthday!
Thanks, Casey! We might get in endless cycle here - I'd have to put you on my Excellent list!
*grin* Thanks, Casey. You're right, I don't do these, not because I don't like them because I found out they take a heckufa lot of time!
I have to say that I agree with all your choices . . . myself included, of course (she said modestly).
Thanks, Maggie. (resisting the urge to write >hugs< just cuz I know it drives you batty)
How wise you are, Casey, how wise.
Casey - I've just found this post and I had to blink twice to believe you'd put me on your list. A very belated, but sincere thank you. I can't wipe the grin off my face!
It is your excellent work, Robyn!
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