Presenting my choices for the Brilliante Weblog Award! Thanks to Pollocksthebollocks for the award.
Kudos to the following blogs that I have enjoyed reading lately:
- Petra Voegtle
- Tracy Helgeson
- Deborah Paris
- Lloyd Irving Bradbury
- The Gang at Moleskine Exchange International, present party excluded
- Adam Cope
- Ann Nemcosky
Congratulations :) I had fun looking at your links too. Love the moleskin group, very nice.
Hey, Corrine! Thanks!
I assume everyone knows Jafabrit's blog. But if you don't, take a look. I love the new knitted pole with the bees, and she's currently got a work showing in Japan.
Gee, thanks Casey!
I particularly liked Tracy's work. Great!
Thank you Casey! I see I am in impressive company here. I hope to live up to the honor :)
Hi Casey,
thank you for the nice plug.
I must say that I enjoy your blog quite often too although I do not always comment. But it is always interesting stuff you have to offer.
Keep it up and take care!
Greetings Petra
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