"I refuse to confide and don't like it when people write about art," Balthus.
"Words may show a man's wit, but actions his meaning, " Benjamin Franklin.
"I had placed my stick on the table, as I do every evening. It had been specially made to suit my height, to enable me to walk without too much difficulty. As I was standing up, a customer called to me: 'Monsieur, don't forget your pencil.' It was very unkind, but most funny," Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
"Words may show a man's wit, but actions his meaning, " Benjamin Franklin.
"I had placed my stick on the table, as I do every evening. It had been specially made to suit my height, to enable me to walk without too much difficulty. As I was standing up, a customer called to me: 'Monsieur, don't forget your pencil.' It was very unkind, but most funny," Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
"But often it's doubtful whether the logic of the work itself and the words used to describe it really have anything to do with each other," Thom Mayne.
"Never trust the artist. Trust the tale," D.H. Lawrence.
"Stealing someone else's words frequently spares the embarrassment of eating your own," Peter Anderson.
"Hear the meaning within the word," William Shakespeare.
"Self expression shouldn't be the goal," Wolf Kahn.
"Self expression shouldn't be the goal," Wolf Kahn.